Everyday Inspiration, Lifestyle, OYou BootCamp 2011

Inspiration found…but where did the time go?

Today I was hoping to find inspiration for this OYou challenge and I did. Over a stack of books and magazines and a cup of tea, there it was. Within 30 minutes, I was feeling inspired to take on every room and every thing that I could. 

While looking for inspiration, I turned to the shelves at Barnes & Noble for help.  I started by judging the books by their covers and looking for anything that looked pretty and like it might inspire.  Same at the magazine rack.  Through the help of a beautiful book, “American Modern” by Thomas O”Brien, I found out that I DO actually have a style – American Modern.  Who knew?  Immediately, with my new found label, I started feeling less like a design outsider…and more like I had been “sorted” by the Hogwarts sorting hat and placed in my forever “house.” I know, a little geeky but so true.  I have a design style.  I belong! 

Next, I found that I am totally a “before and after” designer too.  Seeing the potential doesn’t always come easy, but the more I am able to see other’s projects, like through the magazine “100 Makeover Style Ideas from Better Homes and Gardens,” the more I am able to see the possibilities of my own space. 

Finally, the biggest two lessons that I walked away with from today are the following:

  • Fill your rooms with things that are interesting, that have a story or that tell a story about you.  Make your room speak to you through the things that share your space and your life. 
  • Paint, Paint, Paint

Now, I just need to find the time for all this inspiration to be channeled into some magic in my own home.  Forever, I have always been caught in the “don’t have time to do this” trap.  I think that THIS will be one of the biggest challenges of all these OYOU Boot Camp weeks – making the time to put myself on my “to do” list and changing my life…and I am determined.

OYou Boot Camp Nate Berkus Day 4 – Today, taking one room and making sure that the things in the room have a purpose, have a story, or say something about me.  If not, finding those things.  I think this is going to be harder than it sounds…I’ll let you know.

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