Everyday Inspiration, Lifestyle, OYou BootCamp 2011

Hitting a Design Wall

Back to familiar territory, I am beginning to feel overwhelmed with about 100 projects that I would like to accomplish  and started emotionally hyperventilating on Thursday, Day 4  of our Oprah OYou Boot Camp Challenge.  Right in the middle of Nate Berkus week, I hit a wall.    I’ve been trained in the art of program and project management for many years in my own professional life…but sometimes, when I feel so excited or overwhelmed  about a project all of that knowledge goes out the window.  So, on day 5 when all of this started to unravel, it was familiar territory for me.  But this time after pulling myself out of the emotional  quicksand, I did something different.  I stopped fighting and  went to bed.  Trusting that old saying that “it would all look different in the morning,”  I relaxed and put my faith that those words.

During the day, the world caught up to me.  No matter how much iced coffee or black tea I could drink, I couldn’t move fast enough to get everything done.  It was one of THOSE days.  Every time I tried to take the time to focus and walk through a room and focus for 5 minutes on having a better home, I was interrupted.  Sometimes by just the thoughts in my own mind.  FOCUS is going to be my OWN OYou mountain to climb in these challenges.   Toward the end of the day I walked around the house, I tried to use my new found “editing eye” but most of the time, it was less about editing and more about cleaning up.  It’s clear that in real life…this editing concept is going to have to share space with the cleaning one.  Sometimes, it’s just about throwing out the newspaper,  fluffing the pillows and folding the blankets up and that’s all.

The lessons from today…

  • When you fall down, get back up…and just keep going.
  • Sometimes, you need to step back out of a situation before you step back in.  Take the time…it really does look different the next morning…

OYou Boot Camp Nate Berkus Day 5 – So today,  I’m going to to pick a major project to redo in my home and do all the prep work for it…a visit to Home Depot, Target, Kohls, etc…   I have a desk that I HATE because for me, it has ‘bad energy’ and just completely does not go with my design style.  I’m hoping that maybe I can turn that around.    Also, my sister has an old cedar chest purchased by mom as a childhood gift…a LONG time ago.  She LOVES it…but it’s for a little girl.  The cedar chest really needs to grow up…  One of these two projects will be what we take on…both will be hard but I’m hoping worth the work.

If I have the time, I’m also going to finish those darn pillows…still looking for the close.  I promise not to use the hot glue gun!

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