Everyday Inspiration, Lifestyle, OYou BootCamp 2011

Willy Wonka Magical Moments…So Much To Do…So Little Time

As I pay a little closer attention to “my house energy” this week, I’m noticing that I’m walking through life with my eyes a little more wide open…AND that I am really tired too! This focus thing really takes some effort.  So, today I’m going to try to make it less about the effort and more about the journey. If I do that, then maybe I won’t feel so stressed about all that I’d like to get done and it will be more about taking in the experience, being in the moment and learning the lessons. “It’s not a race,” I keep telling myself as my mind is already 2 steps ahead, already jumping into Bob Greene Boot Camp for next week.

Focus…and breathe…

Earlier in the week there was a fantastic lesson that hit me when looking through different books and magazines to find some inspiration. If was to “fill your rooms with things that are interesting, that have a story or that tell a story about you.” I realized, when playing “I Spy” around my house for things like this that I had actually done this! I love photography…and love it when I can capture the feeling and the moment in the picture. In one room there are a series of photos from some wonderful places that have strong loving memories attached to them. Every time that I look at them, it’s like my heart comes alive with those feelings…almost like magic. I realized that THIS is what Nate means by surrounding yourself with things you love. It’s about making your home magical. It’s about making your home rise up to meet you with those wonderful feelings. It’s about your home being the best that it can be.

With new found zeal, I feel a new found burst of energy. I have to tell you…I woke up feeling a little run down and with heavy feet this morning. Now, after connecting the dots, I’m feeling empowered and alive again…and it’s not just the Starbucks coffee.

OYou Boot Camp Nate Berkus Day 6 – Only 2 more days for my Nate Boot Camp challenge. For the home stretch, I’m kicking it into gear. I’m taking the HATED desk and giving it an infusion of love and paint. I’m also going to figure out how to add buttons to my simple Nate napkin pillows…it’s time those were finished up. Wish me luck. I may be able to sew a straight line, but buttons…that’s a whole new experience.  But…this is what it’s all about.  Let’s go…

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