Miracle Detectives

OWN Network The Miracle Detectives – The Railroad Miracle Man: Truman Duncan

The show started off with an incredible story of a man named Truman Duncan from Fort Worth, Texas. This inspiring man had been run over by a train and actually made the 911 call that saved his own life. They actually played the call and he was amazingly calm. I can’t even imagine the pain he must have been in. Apparently, he worked at the track and had ended up under a slow moving train.  He was able to hold his upper body up and out of harm’s way, but his legs were seriously injured. When help arrived, it was a huge area yet they found him quickly. Enough people arrived and they were able to work together to save him. It was a massive undertaking and he lived!

So the question is……was it a miracle? The Miracle Detectives didn’t agree….other than it was a moving and inspirational story! Dr. V notes that the science of the injuries was merely the power of modern medicine. However, Randall believes that the sequence of the events and how it all played out was a miracle. My thoughts…it was a lot of luck with a little help from above.

So let’s think about this. If he hadn’t been able to hold himself up, he would have been pulled under. Miracle? I hear about moms that can lift a car to save a baby. Not a miracle…just survival. The fact that the response teams found him so quickly in an area of 72 acres was where I think a little help came from above. One of the response people must have had a “God whisper” moment. You know…that sense that you just know something that you later realize that you shouldn’t have known. Miracle though? I wouldn’t go that far. God whispers happen all the time, everywhere. Anyone can hear them if they just listen. Next is the fact that enough people showed up to be able to pull off the rescue that was needed. Miracle? I can’t help but think that the idea they came up with to save his life required so many people because they HAD that many people. If fewer people were there, I would wonder if there would have been a different idea. So I am thinking, not so much of a miracle. It was, however, an inspiring and incredible story.    I am glad the guy made it out alive and I am relieved that I live no where near a railroad track!

So the question to ponder……is a “God whisper” considered a miracle?

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