Gayle King Show, Our America

Gayle’s Live Chat on Lisa Ling’s Our America’s Pray the Gay Away Episode

On the OWN Network, the Gayle King Show just finished up their first live evening with Lisa Ling…continuing the conversation sparked in tonight’s episode of “Our America.”  While Gayle encouraged online involvement on Facebook and Twitter….I found that FB and the GKS page just wasn’t setup to take my comments and questions….so I turned to Twitter…and felt successful.  Not only could I join in the coversation real time, but I could see other’s comments as well…and well…they were interesting.

Let me first say, my sister blogs on “Our America with Lisa Ling”…(she won it in a meeting of Ro-Sham-Bo)…so, this is my recap and reflection on the after-show (which was one of MY wins in the same meeting)…which I thought was a great concept and a nice way of continuting the conversation. 

Tonight’s discussion point was on the show’s topic – “Pray the Gay Away” and featured various Christian churches who were adament that God will help you change…it just may take….well, forever.   And then, a short glimpse of alternative views…from one of the creators of the ex-gay movement and from the Naming Project…a “faith-based youth group serving youth of all sexual and gender identities” is the description from their website. 

The wrap-up and continued conversation show focused on a few of the people that were highlighted on the show…a “where are they now” segment since this show was taped 7 months ago….and really, everyone seems to be in the same place EXCEPT the kind and brave young woman, Chelsea who….is now off at college.  Otherwise everyone is still gay…and they all still pray…just all for different reasons.

What I found more interesting were many of the points brought up on the Twitter conversation…and as this airs on the West Coast and new comments are posted on #OurAmerica on Twitter it’s easy to see that this has sparked a bit of outrage.  One post was “@HegedusEricC Lisa Ling & OWN gave Exodus a one hour infomercial.”   Another was from monachet1 lisa romano “@lisaling & @OprahWinfreyNet Excellent #ouramerica!! Hooray for the “Naming Project”!! Nice to see kids being free to be who they are!!”  Then, we had some people who preached from both sides…when really, this show and after-show was to spark meaningful conversation…and thought. 

Here is what I think….this Our America with Lisa Ling and Gayle King’s after-show was not meant to judge, to glorify, to condem, to provoke, to turn or to preach.  This topic was meant to inform the viewers of different beliefs and practices that are going on in our own backyard…that we may or may not be aware of or believe in…that we may or may not support or speak out against…but that we should take note of…so that we know what is going on in our OWN america

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