Living the Lessons, Oprah's LifeClass

An Oprah Lifeclass Lesson – Freedom from Numbers

Late last night, I watched Oprah’s Lifeclass on Aging Beautifully and it hit me… it’s time to start rethinking about what beautiful is.  The lines around my eyes that show up when I smile tell my story.  It’s natural.  I’m getting older.  And  each one is attached with the wisdom and experiences of my OWN life.  They are a validation of my strength and power as a woman.  Here is the lesson that I realized from Oprah’s Lifeclass about the beauty that I have found as I get older… Your soul becomes wise and settled and calms with each year.It is easier to sit with yourself…to relax…to be still.  It is a strength…a peace…an honor.  But in turn, your spirit can stay young…light and full of excess energy and play.  You can still have that passion for life…to drink it up in Big Gulp cups…because the excitement of getting up each day has less to do with an age on a calendar and everything to do with your attitude.

So…OWN your age and your attitude.  Both will change your life.  There is a freedom that came this morning…from the number and from doing the math to figure out my real age.  While instead…today I am seeing it as a celebration.  Each year filled with my OWN unique journey. 

Celebrate your life.  Celebrate you.  Celebrate your number. 
I think I’m going to bake myself a non-birthday cake…because I’m feeling like it’s time to celebrate me!

2 thoughts on “An Oprah Lifeclass Lesson – Freedom from Numbers

  1. Amen sister and good for you!!!! I love the idea of a “non birthday cake”. I bought myself flowers because I was at the store and they were beautiful and no person better to show how much they love me than ME. All of this is OYou! inspired of course.
    About you, I can say that you both had such a peaceful energy. Above everything else during the time we stood in line together I felt instantly “calm” around you. I had just finished my lunch and my sister in law was in her session and I was trying to figure out how I was going to kill time. Coming down the escalator I saw Gayle and jumped in line. I found it easy to start up a conversation with you both. I remember sharing my story with you and I could not only see the compassion in your smiles and eyes but the peace and calmness. I’m not sure if you are aware that this is something you possess but it was immediately visable. Cheers to you and your smile lines 🙂

    1. Tandy – You were a JOY to meet at OYou! Your energy and sparkle were obvious! We are trying to live our best life…and really working the plan as we manage The Daily OWN. OYou! 2011 had some wonderful lessons and energy…and if it’s possible to make them resonate through an online page…then, we hope to do that. And thanks for the nice comments…you were so friendly and fun that it was easy to talk to you. I hope that inspiration keeps moving you forward…there was a reason why we all met….Cheers to your flowers and “non birthday cake” too!

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