Living the Lessons

When the Whispers Become a Dialogue

For years Oprah has been teaching us to get quiet and listen to our whispers…that they will lead you in the direction that you most need to travel.  Trust them.  They are like a gut instinct that all of us have …and all of us usually at some time in our lives have to learn to trust.  Instincts aren’t simple when you complicate them with the rest of what the world is telling you to do.  And most of the time, whispers are those instincts.  Something inside guiding our own lives in the right direction and helping you through each moment of the day.   So, here is what I know after a year into this “Daily OWN” journey – when you get really good at listening to your whispers, sometimes they become an inner dialogue that happens when you least expect it and sometimes, they just keep on talking.  Oprah didn’t tell me that might happen.  My whisperer is not really a whisperer at all…she’s a real talker.

Starting this site has taken twists and turns and has guided me into Life classrooms, Money classrooms and OYou conference classrooms.  It has stopped me and helped me listen to other people’s stories, learn from their lessons and even laugh with them along the way.  It was opened me to new possibilities and new friends in the most interesting places.  And it has gently nudged me to open up and be present, inspiring, and putting positive change out into a world where we all need just a little more of that…and a little less of everything else.  Myself included.  So when the whispers show up, I try to always hear what they are saying…and here is the change that I just realized and wanted to share.  My whisperer is opening up too and often times having a dialogue with me.  Now, don’t worry. After years of college Psychology with a lovely degree in hand, I realize right away that this isn’t the “Son of Sam” kind of dialogue that is occurring.  I’m not hearing “those kind” of voices.  It’s more like the writer in me keeps writing even when there is no keyboard or pen and paper in sight.  When your whispers and your passion are what take you to sleep and what wake up your mind each morning, then I think that you’ve discovered something about yourself and I think it’s pretty special.   When those thoughts replace the stress and the noise in your life even for just a little while, then I think you’re on the right track.  At least I hope so.

So, what are your whispers saying?  Be ready because when you start listening, you just might find out that they have a lot to say too.  Your whisperer just might turn out to be a big talker and once they have your attention, there may be no stopping them.

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