
Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal – Either giving you hope…or taking it away

Unfaithful takes you through a relationship…and the journey of better and worse. All of this leads ultimately for these couples to one of them being unfaithful. The show documents the journey in bullet points – giving you highlights of the relationship to help recognize that the process of infidelity is not always simple. At least that is what the show is trying to get across it seems – that there are many things that lead a person to cheat. Feeling undesired, stressed from a death in the family, from a birth of baby, too many demands, too much pressure, the need to feel heard., missing the excitement and the chase and the lust…put anything on the list that you deal with in life or in any relationship…and these are part of the excuses of infidelity.  Relationship dishonesty…and then

As I sat down to watch this show, I kept telling myself, “Be open, Be open,” realizing that I was already closed. In my mind, I could hear Gayle King saying, “Mr. Cheater Cheater pumpkin eater.” and I kept wondering, “Why does OWN have this show on the network?” but I guess the statistic that “experts believe that 24% of men have sex outside of marriage,” probably speaks to why they are airing this show. That means there are a lot of women out there that understand this anguish and pain…and a lot of relationships that have been destroyed by one person not being able to control themselves.

“Studies suggest that only 31% of marriages make it through infidelity. These are the stories of relationships that survived the betrayal.”

What I will not be doing is blogging a recap of each episode…of each couples journey and what that infidelity looked like. I’m not even sure that I will be watching each episode.  I don’t think that I would fall into that 31%…because I don’t understand any of the excuses. But what I can understand…this show may give marriages hope…women hope…that life and your relationships can survive anything. The stories probably give hope to the cheaters and the cheatees of the world…you can survive infidelity…or at least there is a 30% chance that you can.

So, here is what I find more disturbing…the statistics…

“Experts believe that 24% of men have sex outside of marriage”

“Studies suggest that only 31% of marriages make it through infidelity.”

“74% of men say they would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught.”

Instead…I have to ask…where is the love in a relationship and where is the show about that? Wait…answered my OWN question…it’s “In the Bedroom with Dr. Laura Berman” and it’s up next…

2 thoughts on “Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal – Either giving you hope…or taking it away

  1. Hello, The show is about BOTH WOMEN and men who cheat. Also, Google the stats and you will find that women are quickly gaining on men in extra-marital affairs. No extra blame on women just to point out that that both sexes are involved and both sexes are devastated by affairs. I agree with you that I can find no excuse for an affair. I can’t even understand how one can make that destructive and devastating (to the spouse decision. There are always other options (e.g., talk, scream, suggest marriage counseling or at the worse, leave out the front door.) And no matter what cheaters say, they made a decision and acknowledge their responsibility and deep and repeated remorse if there is any chance to save the marriage afterwards. I’ve experienced it two years ago and every day I think about what my wife has done to ME. Some days, I don’t know if I made the right choice to stay. I still feel so pained, devalued, humiliated, and powerless. As Evananesce sings in My Immortal: “I’m tired of being here…There’s just too much that time cannot forget.” Michael

    1. Agree. No matter what side it comes from, it is devastating ,game changing and life changing. I hope that you find your light…and that forgives comes in some way…for yourself and your OWN life. Hoping for all things wonderful in your world for 2012. Believe it will happen…I do.

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