Super Soul Sunday

Super Soul Sunday – Sneak Peek of Oprah’s Interview with Dr. Wayne Dyer

Super Soul Sunday brings another spiritual great to their OWN audience. The incredibly insightful, Dr. Wayne Dyer joins the discussion from Hawaii about life, his fight with leukemia and the controversial treatment he is taking…and his new inspirational book, Wishes Fulfilled. No one should miss this Sunday as OWN continues to nurture and grow our spirit. Be sure to set your DVR for Sunday, March 25, at 11/10C…only on OWN. Until then, enjoy the sneak peek from OWN!

6 thoughts on “Super Soul Sunday – Sneak Peek of Oprah’s Interview with Dr. Wayne Dyer

    1. Occasionally will offer videos, but I don’t believe they are selling the individual Dr. Dyer interview. You can catch the highlight clips on our site under Super Soul Sunday until it airs again. I’m not sure when that will be but hopefully soon. It was a fantastic interview.

  1. We missed the interview that Oprah did with Dr Wayne Dyer. We do watch most of his lectures. Did see a kind of synopsis of the interview. We do agree 100% that “nothing is impossible with God”. He uses the unwise, the poor, the less capable, the weak to do his work here on this earth. He takes a person from nowhere to somewhere and just looking around you can see his marvelous work. If Oprah does decide to sell the video of this interview, let us know.

  2. Dr. Dyer is amazing! He is right about nature and how it can teach us how to live and be accepting of what we are and our purpose in life. He gave up everything to re-connect to his spiritual being. I was standing in my daughter’s back yard one morning just trying to find inner peace. The winds where high and I looked up at the trees and the were moving in the direction of the wind. They didn’t resist, they just leaned into the wind. That’s how our life is suppose to be,easy breezy. God gave us the tools to live a prosperous fulfilling life. He made the earth to take care of us. We should just get rid of all the stuff that’s in the way and go with movement of life. We as a people have become so lifeless, because we have allowed things and people to control our being. I lost everything, I wasn’t recession proof. I have made every excuse of why this happened to me. I come to realize that I let things and my job defined me. It’s a blessing to me now, because I have nothing in my way and I’m more in touch with my spiritual being now than ever. Some days I think about what I use to have and it’s very painful and unbearable at times. The blessing in this is, my feelings and emotions are coming from a real place. The pain comes in some days like a flood, but I can relate to it, and I have nothing to compress it. They are real and raw, no person or object is causing me to react. It’s may sound strange, but it’s taking to a place where I never been in inside myself. I can explore myself more now. God bless you

    1. Thank you for taking the time to share your story, Valarie. It is wonderful that you are finding growth in a time of harship. Often the path that leads us to a better understanding isn’t easy, but in the end it is always worth it. Best wishes in all that is to come and please continue to visit us here at TheDailyOWN.

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