.OWN in General, Everyday Inspiration

Spreading the Love – Win a Copy of The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer!

When Michael Singer sat down with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday a few weeks back, hearts and minds were opened to a new spiritual awakening.  Oprah’s newest favorite book, she told us that morning that she had receive the book as a gift…and has in turn, given that gift out to others in her life. So, when New Harbinger Publications contacted some of us OWN Ambassadors and offered us a few copies, it seemed only natural to share them with the world.  The Daily OWN has two copies to send out into the world with love.

To get your copy, the entry is simple! You just need to complete the required entry below! You can gain up to 3 bonus entries as well by signing up for our newsletter and following us on Twitter and liking us on Facebook.

Any comments left on Facebook, Twitter or other posts will not be included.  We will choose the winners next Friday, 9/14 at 11 pm. Good luck! It’s an amazing book and will change your life!


  • Post a comment right here on this post on what inner peace look like to you.

BONUS ENTRIES (please leave a comment on this post to let us know you have completed these bonus entries!)

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23 thoughts on “Spreading the Love – Win a Copy of The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer!

  1. I have already been a fan/signed up/following on Twitter, Facebook, and Daily Newsletter.
    Please enter me to when a copy of this great book.

  2. During my daily meditation, inner peace is defined visually for me to wherever my soul decides to take me. Sometimes its something as simple as walking through a garden and smelling a fragrant rose, or dancing the ballet. (I’m not a dancer, by the way) But there is this amazing sense of freedom that almost makes me cry every time. I feel like such a girl, but I can’t believe that this level of joy actually existed inside of me.

    Side note; I always take the feeling with me to get me through my day. Talk about bringing down stress levels to almost “non-existant” AMAZING and POWERFUL.

  3. Hi you all!
    I’m typing this from my iPhone because my computer needs serious repairs, so I hope I can get through from my phone!
    Anyway, pick me! Pick me! Pick me! I would LOVE and be inmmensly GRATEFUL to receive this book! I already am keenly aware and conscious that the key to a great life is not money and material things, but to live life in a state of awe, wonderment, gratefulness, hope, love and PEACE. Even though I deeply feel the first 4, a lot of times– too many times the last one, PEACE, eludes me. I loved when Devon Franklin told Oprah his definition of “success.”
    He simply defined it as “peace.” Yes! PEACE! although I don’t experience it as much as I should, the times when I do are blissful! Peace to me is when I can quite my brain chatter and just be me in the moment. Peace is living my life with total faith and trust and letting go of my trying to control things. Peace is when I kindly and politely tell my ego to step aside so my soul can take over.
    I would love to read this book because the more I read stuff like this, the more a-has I get and the more I’m able to live my Best Life. I also get to teach what I learn to my 13 year old daughter and my 12 year old son, who will unequivocally attest that I’m constantly quoting Oprah and/or any of her inspiring guests!
    So, if I get the book, a big Hooray! If I don’t, still a big Hoorayy to whomever gets it!
    I signed up to your news letter, follow you on Twitter and will go ahead and “like” you on Facebook.
    Thank you, wishing all the blessings to you and your loved ones!
    Maria : )

  4. Inner peace to me looks like a calm lake that reflects the beauty of everything that is surrounding it! A lake so tranquil that it seems you could walk on it to reach to the other side. A place where you can bring your intentions and desires and see their ripple effects.

  5. Inner peace is not something you can see. It is knowing that you are well with yourself. Knowing and believing that you have performed admirably in your life while caring, sharing, loving and bringing peace to those around you and doing it all by your very existence on this earth.

  6. Inner peace looks like contentment and joy to me. A feeling that you are where you belong, with whom you belong, and doing what you should be doing- fufilling your calling.

  7. I am already signed up for the OWN newsletter and follow you all on Twitter and Facebook! 🙂
    I would LOVE a copy of this book and will share it with my family and my yoga students. I am always looking for new inspirations and enlightenments! Thank You OWN!

    1. Hi Roberta. We aren’t OWN…simply a fan site that is supporting Oprah and her vision…and in the process, finding our passion. 🙂 Good luck! We’ve got your entries down!

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