Behind the Scenes

Season 25: Oprah Behind the Scenes – President George W. Bush & reflecting on her interview with John F. Kennedy Jr. with Oprah

“Good journalism is suppose to be fair.  I don’t often think of myself as a journalist but I do think of myself as a communicator and somebody who wants to do that in a fair manner,” Oprah starts this Season 25 Behind the Scenes show with.  “So, once I came out for Barack Obama, I think a lot of people thought I was a ….Democrat, which I really am not.  I have always voted based on who I thought was the best candidate.  Since I was of voting age, I look at the man and what I believe to be the character of the man and what I believe that person can do for the country….”  Back in 2000, she had a great interview with Bush 43….and now, she hopes the for the same.

Jenna Kostelnik, one of our favorite Senior Producers is back for this show along with Jill Barancik, Senior Supervising Producer….I’m not sure we’ve seen her in action just yet.  Sheri Salata, Executive Producer, tells Oprah, “Just do what you do…”  Jill breaks the news, “It’s the first interview he does.  It’s the 2nd interview that airs. Matt Lauer’s will air the day before…”    Ah….but the thing Oprah has that Matt doesn’t – George Bush Sr. and Barbara Bush too.  Sheri brings up, “Good things to talk about…Katrina…”  Oprah is quick to say, “Let me just tell ya….if that flood had been in Bel Aire, there would have been something done.  Believe me, something would have been done. People would not have been sittin around askin for water 3 days later…”  So, Oprah is going to read the book….and approach it all with an open mind.  “I’ve voted Republican as many times as I’ve voted Democrat,” Oprah admits.  Let’s go read the book…and get it signed to add to your autographed book collection.

Jenna and (yeah) Brain Piotrowicz is back!  Brian and Jenna are going to Maine to be in the same room with two living Presidents and a former First Lady.  “I don’t care who they are or what your politics are.  That a pretty incredible experience.”  It’s wonderful to see both of their elevated excitement…

Bridgette’s big moment…Bridgette Theriault, Co-Producer, is getting the chance to step up and show what she’s got.  The show is a JFK Jr. Tribute Show and a reflection show…because John John would have been 50 years old this year.  Oprah will be reflecting…and Bridgette will be interviewing Oprah and giving direction…and Bridgette is feeling the pressure.

We get to see Oprah in the morning….getting her lunch ready for work and then, her morning meditation ritual.  How grounding.  How refreshing.  How wonderful…I think I will have to find my “meditation space” too, but do I need to do it before the sun comes up?

Jenna and Brian are on their way to Maine…while Bridgette is on the way to the Emergency Room from an allergic reaction to raspberries.  “I’m out of her at 4 and you are driving me back to work,” Bridgette directs from her hospital bed.  Bridge does not want to meet her first pre-show meeting with Oprah…and she doesn’t.  So proud of you Bridgette! 

As Erin Sermeus, Manager of Booking and Talent Relations, drives Jenna and Brian to the Kinniebunkport house, Brian and even Jenna are full of nerves, while Erin…our celebrity handler extraordinaire, is not shaken at all  As they were walking around the house to determine how the shoot will be going, they walk around the corner and there are 41 & 43 just sitting out back…reading the paper…so normal…but not.  Brian leaves the unplanned and spontaneous “meet” and starts tearing up.  “This is why I choose this career….for days like this.” 

Still a little puffy, Bridgette skips breakfast and heads in to tape today’s show…and realize her big moment.  Kinda like flying without a net…but with Sheri Salata as your safety harness.  “This is Bridgette’s big moment.  I’m going to throw her in the deep end and wait for her to swim,” Sheri tells us.  Swim, Bridgette, Swim!

The morning of the show for President Bush, Brian peeks around the corner in his suit…looking all dapper…and Jenna shares with Brian and us that she is falling apart.  Nerves gets the best of all of us…even President George W. Bush looks nervous…and it’s wonderful that Oprah stopped by to put him at ease…and you could see the nerves melt away from him.  Fan or not of the politics, you have to admit…when Oprah has that connection with people…you can’t help but like him…and her, for asking the hard questions with always the best intentions and from the best place.  “Nothing feels worse than somebody saying something about you that is absolutely untrue,” Oprah tells us.  “I saw him as a human being not just a man carrying the role of the most powerful man in the world, but as a human being.”  …and that is what we all are…human beings.

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