Rosie Show

Rosie Recap – Wanda Sykes and Gloria Estefan on “The Rosie Show”

After I recapped last night’s show at around 3:30am, I walked around my house going through my usual routine and I was WIDE awake. Matter of fact, I couldn’t fall asleep until the sun was rising. I thought about the show unwillingly for hours. No offense but by 5AM I was ready for my brain to stop. Now…in all honestly I was stirring about several bits of AWESOME news that I had received that day. Yet I kept thinking about how magical Rosie’s first show was and how surreal it must have been for her. Although I am functioning on a few hours of sleep, I am here tonight hoping it only gets better for her!

With papers in hand, Rosie took center stage. She didn’t appear nervous, but rather as if the stage was a cozy chair. Completely natural and real. You would think after her incredible premiere last night that she would have worried about rising to the high standard she set for herself. But if she was nervous…I couldn’t really see it. She went over a few comments by the critics and even showed a special clip from Jimmy Fallon. He is adorable. Following a few questions from the audience, Rosie introduced her first guest, Wanda Sykes, via rap – yeah, uhmmmm, please RO don’t make that a permanent intro technique.

Wanda never fails to entertain. Laughing through most of the conversation about FOX, her breast reduction, having twins overrun her house, her cancer scare and coming out. The segment was much shorter than last night’s, but the show was being shared with her next guest, Gloria Estefan. It is clear that these two gals are close. After sharing a video of Gloria trying to get Rosie to try flan, she put her on the spot. Now, I agree with Rosie on this. I am NOT a flan fan. I have heard how great some people think it is but it totally looks like jellied snot. Isn’t there some way to disguise it? Apparently Gloria owns several restaurants and she was convinced RO would love her flan. “That’s not bad” Rosie surprisingly admitted. They went on to talk about how their kids have ground up, joking about the ease and perks of Spanx, and her newest CD – Miss Little Havana. Guests not only walked away with the CD , but also a private performance of Wepa.

Of course the last part of the show was pure heaven for Rosie. Once again a chance to live out the dream of hosting a game show. The game today….Build that Tune. Both Wanda and Gloria teamed up with a couple of audience members to play a warped version of “Name that Tune”. As instruments join the song one at a time, the teams try to guess what the song is. Simply, right? Not as easy until at least a couple of instruments get involved. Team Wanda sent Team Gloria down the walk of shame despite the cries of foul play from Gloria. With $500 ToysRUs gift cards for all…the show ended on another great note!

Tune in tomorrow night for RO’s next guest…actress & comedian Roseanne Barr!

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