Living the Lessons

OYou Boot Camp – We did it!

As we wrap up our own OYou Boot Camp Challenge, we are thankful that we had the perseverance to complete it.  Over the 11 full weeks, we’ve learned a lot.  Here are some of the gifts that we are walking away with…

  1. Don’t underestimate yourself. You can do it.
  2. Learn to EDIT your home.  It will change your life.
  3. Surround yourself with what you love…and get rid of what you don’t. It will change your life.
  4. Coffee is not breakfast.
  5. You don’t have to like exercise but you will LOVE how you feel after.
  6. Moving more gets you moving more.
  7. Why worry, it adds nothing to your life.
  8. You have a journey…you have a north star.  Just look up and believe.
  9. Watch out for emotional muggers.
  10. It’s important to put yourself first.  If you don’t, you may be teaching others to devalue your time and YOU.
  11. Organization doesn’t mean perfect.
  12. Be open and listen without judgement….and don’t waste your time on a “conversation fighter.”
  13. When it comes to any tough situation, remember to “be the buffalo.”  You can get through anything.
  14. Stop stressing.  It makes your heart rigid and does you NO GOOD.
  15. Respect your money…and learn what that means to you.
  16. Focus on what you do have, not on what you don’t.
  17. Be your OWN best friend.
  18. Meditation is a gift that you can give to yourself everday. Stop.Be Still. Relax. Listen.
  19. Life is a journey…not a race to the finish line.
  20. Remember…it takes time to change your life.

So, while this great OYou challenge was sparked by our excitement of going to the OYou 2011 conference, last week we made the final decision to cancel our tickets and reservations.  It was a little hard – in my heart I was such a believer that we would somehow be able to get there…from a sponsor or Oprah’s “meet me” contest and get to meet all of these wonderful people who have changed our lives…and so many people like us who want to live their best life too.  But God must have a different plan…and even though it makes me a little sad…I’m excited and very grateful because tonight is the beginning of Rosie and Oprah’s Lifeclass…and the beginning of a new journey.


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