Living the Lessons

Where Did All of the Happiness Go?

As we work through our first OWN inspired OYou Boot Camp series, it bares to mention that I’m not very good at challenges.  As a competitor in a game of UNO or Monopoly, I am fierce.  Get to week 5 or week 6 of a challenge and there is certain to be lost focus and a little bit of life drama.  This week, after a few really hard days, I found myself asking myself, “Where did all of my happiness go?”  This was my drama.

After asking myself the question, I waited for an answer…and waited and kept waiting.  So far…I’ve heard nothing. Except maybe now I’m getting a whisper.  Let me clarify a little.  The boot camp didn’t take my happiness.  I think it got lost along the way somewhere, under the piles of clothes and the endless list of “to-do’s” and life responsibilities and through all the roads traveled to get me to where I am right now.  Inspiration  from this boot camp didn’t cause me to misplace my happiness…it caused me to notice that it might be gone…and that I really really really want it back.

At the beginning of this 11 week life make-better self-prescribed series, I told myself to be open and to walk through the journey with love and an open heart, unaware of what might happen.   What I’m noticing is that I’m noticing…my life, my relationships, my surroundings.  Back to the first week with my lesson from Nate Berkus to “edit a room” when you want to make a change, I’m finding that the “editing” is also happening in other parts of my life as well.  Not just removing a few un-used coffee cups or dusty nick-nacks, but editing out some of the things in my life that are getting in the way of me…and living my best life.  With this, I know that I am not alone.  I know that other’s have lost their happiness along the way. What I’m really curious about is how do I get it back?  That is now part of my new challenge…find my happiness.

During this journey, as I’ve been rushing through the weeks on topic and on task trying to learn as much as I can and ignite a spark, I’m finding so many more things that have less to do with home decor, de-cluttering, and finances..and everything to do with…well, living my best life.  There is a gift that comes with this journey and with taking the time to look at your life.  I think this is an “O” lesson…or an Oprah “Ah-ha” moment.  Living your best life is all about editing…and noticing what you may have lost along the way… and what you want back.

So, all of this emotional drama – Coincidence?  Maybe.  A life lesson?  I’m pretty sure.  A long journey?  Probably.  But understanding what I am looking for is making me a little happy.  Perhaps my happiness is not as far away as I think…

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