Extraordinary Acts of Courage

OWNs Extraordinary Acts of Courage Taps into the Hero that Lies Within Each of Us

The debut of Extraordinary Acts of Courage on the Oprah Winfrey Network reminded us that in the worst moments in life….heroes are born. We make choices everyday that effect the people around us. However, it is in our greatest times of need that ordinary people make the quiet choice to become heroes. This new half-hour show gives a glimpse of true events that lead up to extraordinary acts of courage. It offers a glimpse at the brave actions and the appreciation of those who were affected. The premier shows brought us tales of car crashes, avalanches, bridge collapses, a flaming race car and an actual train wreck. Lots of disasters which gave birth to incredible heroes.

Although it was a little stressful watching these horrific events, OWN did a great job of focusing on the people and their stories. In tragedy, I believe most people become their best selves. The walls we put up to isolate and protect ourselves come down quickly and the goodness spills out. We reach out to strangers as if they are family. It isn’t always reported and at times not even noticed, but that isn’t what drives us. When it comes down to it, the ordinary person cares enough to step forward and become extraordinary. 

In truth, we don’t have to wait for a tragedy to be heroic and not all heroes climb on top of burning cars. We have the opportunity to be small heroes in our everyday lives. When you see someone in need, HELP. Whether it is someone having a hard time using a gas pump, appearing confused or simply struggling with a tray that is too heavy for them to carry, a simple “do you need some help?” can mean so much. It won’t get you on the cover of a paper or on the Oprah Winfrey Network, but it will spread love and caring. Something this world could use more of. Just think…what would the world be like if we all unleashed the hero within? 

Thank you OWN for delivering a show, Extraordinary Acts of Courage, that reminds us of the hero that lies within each of us. If you missed the first episodes, be sure to set your DVR for Friday nights at 10/9c so it doesn’t happen again!

1 thought on “OWNs Extraordinary Acts of Courage Taps into the Hero that Lies Within Each of Us

  1. My father-in-law, Lloyd gave up his bone marrow so a young lady in Canada with 2 kids could live. Would you give up your only chance of surviving to save someone you did not even know, knowing by doing so, you would be giving away your life? I typed up the story of what my father-in-law did. If you want it, let me know how to send it to you. Sincerely, George Brugliera

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