.OWN in General

OWN needs its OWN Programs and FAST!


With Oprah now taking charge at the Oprah Winfrey Network,  I am hoping that it’s just a matter of time before OWN finds it’s OWN voice…because the recycled TLC and Discovery shows just are NOT working for me and this network.  As a wonderful friend of mine so elloquently stated it, “”Please stop doing anything that could make you look like a higher-brow version of  Lifetime, and reflect the spirit of  Oprah more by adding more inspiring and original material, uplifting, energizing etc…….”  Couldn’t have said it any better than that.

So…Oprah, PLEASE take away the Unfaithful, Paralyzed and Pregnant, Babies Behind Bars and other recycled programs that are not OWN…These shows are not making the world a better place…or making any of us feel inspired to do anything but change the channel.  Harsh words but someone needs to be honest an say it.  I love OWN…but if I wanted to watch TLC, Discovery or Lifetime…I’d change the channel. I’m looking for OWN.  Oprah, where are you?

3 thoughts on “OWN needs its OWN Programs and FAST!

  1. I so agree with this post. I hope someone from OWN actually get to read what you wrote. I don’t want to watch any of the Discovery channels(TLC, and etc..) so I do not want to see ANY of their programming on OWN. I do however, understand that she only owns 50% of the network, so I am not sure how much control she has over programming. Also, Oprah needs to tune out the critics. I love BTS and many of the documentries. I am looking forward to watching the documentry about a hospice in a prison this month. Also, I don’t see OWN trying to become Lifetime, but I do feel that Oprah should not try to make OWN like Lifetime, WeTV, or any other network. I know OWN will be great, once Lady O take over the reigns, and HARPO staff gets settled in.

  2. To add, I believe that one of the things that set OWN apart from the competition is them airing documentries. OWN is the only channel I can think of that airs documentries, so they should really highlight that.

    1. Completely AGREE. I think that the Emmy nod for Becoming Chaz will be the first of MANY for docs that are on OWN. I LOVE that they have them on the channel. I only wish they would use primetime and louder marketing to make people aware of them. We will…of course….do our best here. We are SO EXCITED about some of the ones we are hearing about. NEVER thought that I would be a DocFan but I am a total convert and can’t wait for OWN to bring us more!

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