.OWN in General

Oprah’s OWN Journey to Find What Works

If we can all agree on one thing, it’s that this year has been a “learning year” for the Oprah Winfrey Network.  From a faithful viewer perspective with a critical eye, I can say that I am still excited about the upcoming Fall programs and the great things yet to come.  From Rosie to Lifeclass, it feels like Oprah is FINALLY coming to OWN with all her intention and “O” power.

With a slow summer, it’s as if Oprah gave us a little vacation from most programs and just pulled back the reigns a bit and said, “What are we doing here?  Is this who we want to be?”  Personally, I’m grateful.  Lots of the programs were (and some still are) just hand-me-downs from the Discovery family and it has given the impression that OWN is just the small sister of TLC with a big heart.  I hope that during this mid-summer “break,” that Oprah and her team have seen the same…and want more just like us.

When I search for OWN, I expect to see Dr. Phil telling me like it is or Carson helping me with what to wear or Lisa Ling sharing incredible stories from all over the world.  I expect to see The O’Neals moving their way through life or Sarah finding her OWN spirit and her authentic self or The Judds showing me that relationships are complicated but worth it.  I expect to see amazing documentaries that show me the heart of a real life GLEE, the struggles of being who you were born to be, and amazing stories that change my view on prison, disease, and people.   Entertain me, enlighten me.

So as we move into the Fall season, it is with a full heart that I find myself feeling a little lighter and happier knowing that within a few days BOTH Rosie and Oprah are coming to OWN and that Oprah is here with her full attention and intention.  I can’t wait to see where the journey takes us.

2 thoughts on “Oprah’s OWN Journey to Find What Works

  1. Nice article. Well said.
    We are all rooting for OWN to grow and succeed.
    No TV network reaches its potential in just 9 months, especially in the current media landscape of a million channels and a very fragmented audience. OWN is getting there as it figures out it’s own groove with Oprah and her talented staff at the helm.
    It’s easy to get ratings with confrontational, negative television. What OWN is trying to do is much harder — to get many people to watch positive, inspiring television for a whole schedule / network.

    1. Thanks! I completely agree with you. Oprah has the right people…it’s just a matter of time until viewers find the channel, Oprah finds the programs that “stick,” and for OWN to give us fresh, new programming. I think ROSIE is going to be a WONDERFUL addition to the OWN schedule and the lifeclass…I think this is the first I’ve been excited about taking a class in a long time. I’m looking forward to seeing this change our TV options…and give us something more than a lot of the fast food that TV is feeding us now. I like fast food…but just not all the time! 🙂

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