Gayle King Show

On the Gayle King Show – Lindsey Addario, Steve Harvey & Airplane Etiquette with Peter Greenberg

Last night, Gayle was BUSY!  2 events – National Dance Institute…OMG, someone from a “prestigious magazine that shall remain nameless” asked her, “How’s Oprah’s new network going – NOW?” and “I heard you’re going to have a show…when does that start?”  LORDY people…REALLY?  REALLY?  I have some questions for you Gayle and I HAVE DONE my homework.  Wow… {shaking my head}…wow… And then Gayle went over to Steve Harvey’s Foundation Gala…and Gayle was moved and can’t wait to talk to him…so let’s get on with the show!

About People that work long hours – If you work more than 11 hours a day, you increase your risk of heart disease by 67%!  YIKES!  Gayle, you need to slow down… and so do I….

About Dicey Airplane Stories – Gayle says, “I tell them because it proves that you can get through it…and it’s fascinating.”  Here’s the story.  A United Airlines flight from NOLA relayed calmly to the tower, “We have smoke issue with the airplane…we are declaring an emergency…we’ve lost all of our instruments right now…” Wow…but all is well.  The plane landed safely and everyone is ok.  Special mommy hugs to him from Gayle…and ever since the Southwest Airlines incident, all airlines are inspecting their 737 planes.  Everyone…travel safe!

About Libya – We are hearing there are discussions and negotiations going on for Ghadafi to have an “exit with dignity” and for his son to take over the country.  While this is being dismissed by some…it’s still out there. 

About Lindsey Addario, Photojournalist – One of the four NY Times Photojournalists held captive in Libya last march…and she’s sitting down with Gayle today. She’s nervous and on the front lines for 10 days before being captured.  “Bad Ass reporters” is what Gayle calls them.  Literally, they risk their lives to bring us the story.  “Because I believe that people need to see what is happening on the ground,” Lindsey tells us.  “People need to see the situation, have a clear picture of what is happening, and make a decision on how to proceed and how to treat Libya.”  As we were pulling out of the city leaving because they realized how dangerous the situation was, they were stopped.  “Right when they pulled us out of the car, the rebels opened fire on Ghadafi’s troops and on us.  We ended up in a hail of bullets…we made a run for it and ran behind a building that provided cover,” Lindsey tells us.  “They had us lie face down on the ground and at that point, I thought we would be executed.”    Gayle asks, “What goes through your mind?”  Lindsey says, “At that moment, we were pleading for our lives.”  It worked…because they are all alive…but wow…what a story. 

About Steve Harvey’s Foundation and Book – Host, Author, and more…in his most recent book, “Straight Talk, No Chaser,” talks about the how to find, keep and understand a man.  Gayle talks about Steve’s Foundation.  “When you look at the young African-American male population of college age, there are more African-American males in prision that in college.  It’s a travesty…This is a problem that we –the black community – can and have to solve ourselves.”  Steve says that “we need to teach them about manhood and what that really means…it’s about honoring women, loving God, real men go to church, real men love God, real men take care of their children and real men try to be good citizens.”  So, Steve’s foundation aims to connect black professionals with these young men…to give them role models.  Steve’s not doing this for his kids…he’s doing it for other people kids…and really, for society.  “Any man out there listening…if you are a man, you can be a role model. You don’t have to be famous or have a lot of money,” Steve says.  “Tell a young man…I see something in you…” and be a role model. 

About Steve Harvey on dating…and more – What’s your take on Hugh Hefner marrying a young woman…and what if it was your daughter?  Steve says, “You’re not marrying the old guy…you have a life!”  Where does his expertise come from, Gayle wants to know…  It comes from his life… “I’m an expert on manhood…I know how guys think because I’ve been one the whole time,” Steve says.

About Airplane Etiquette with Peter Greenberg – First, let’s talk about the Southwest airlines scare a couple of days back.  Peter tells us, “Every time you pressurize and depressurize the plane, you are stretching the metal.  This is what adds the stress to the plane…it’s the cycles.”  In the 80’s, they had a wake up call to check for these possible issues.  Now, it seems that we may need to step up those inspections.  Peter says that he thinks you put the air mask on the child first…that’s his opinion…  So, here’s Peter’s advice.  The window seat is over-rated.  The aisle seat is good if you can avoid a beverage cart injury.  Also, board the plane first to get your luggage into the bins.  Gayle asks, “Is it okay to wake the person up next to you if you have to go to the bathroom?”  “Absolutely, because they’re going to wake you up…you have no choice,” Peter says.  “What about the annoying person in front of you reclines the seat in front of you and it’s literally touching your knees….what do you do?” Gayle asks.  “You ask the flight attendant to say something…you let them start the war not with you,” Peter says.  And a tip – Peter tells us that they made this device – a little clip that if you put in the seat in front of you and the seat can’t recline.  We are there to get from point A to point B and not die…

Peter says he doesn’t use the seatbelt during take off and landing…to avoid internal injuries if there actually is a problem during takeoff or landing.  But he does use it during the flight.  Well…that’s one to think about….Gayle doesn’t agree with him…and not sure I do either…

About OWN’s New Show, Kidnapped by the Kids – Kids who think their parents are spending too much time at work….and not enough time with them.  “Spend time and be engaged with your children,” Gayle tells us.  “Watch this show….it’s amazing.” 

Tomorrow:  Star Jones and Jillian Michaels…see you tomorrow!

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