Gayle King Show

On the Gayle King Show – Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas, Kyron’s mom & more…

Welcome to Friday!  Gayle has a new role besides magazine editor, talk show/radio show host, Oprah’s best friend and mother extraordinaire.  She is now the self proclaimed unofficial 1st lady of Newark – someone tell favorite Mayor Cory Booker about this too…and she is extending an invitation to come on down to watch some b-ball…although she’s a little sad that Duke is out of the running.  Since her family is big “Dukies” (that just doesn’t sound right)…Duke fans…they are bummed that they lost.  Her favorite son Will, Duke graduate of 2009, was so devastated that he didn’t even answer the phone when she called him this morning…oh Will…feel better…and call your mom! 

About Elizabeth Taylor – It’s still hard to believe that she’s gone.  She was quite a legend and the first actress to make a million dollars for her role in Cleopatra.  At the private service last night, Gayle tells us that Colin Farrell attended and did a reading.  What?  Colin? Liz…you always said you liked your men young.  I’m so proud of you.  He’s a cutie!  A more public memorial will be done at a later time…go watch Giant…and take a moment to remark at her acting and her beauty… 

About American Idol – Casey Abrahms was voted off…but the judges used the save on him….and he was thankful, thankful, thankful.  “Unbridled joy,” is what Gayle calls it.  She is right.  I feel a tear…I may have to start watching again. I stopped after producers got rid of Paula…and haven’t been back.  Now…Gayle, I might have to tune in every once in awhile.  You go Casey!

About Regan Airport’s Sleeping Tower – A 20 year supervisor and veteran fell asleep and now he has been suspended.  One guy on his 4th night of working the overnight shift alone….could someone not SEE this coming?  Doesn’t that seem wrong?  Doesn’t that seem like unnecessary duress on the employee?  I’m thinking the people in charge of setting the scheduling are also at fault.  This IS scary, Gayle.  For me, flying used to be fun.  Then, it used to be for a job and kind of exciting…until it became no big deal.  Now, it is scary.  If I ever sit next to you, I’ll hold your hand…and even ask for a few angles in the plane to help watch over us… 

About Kyron Horman still missing in Oregon – Desiree Young, Kyron’s mom, joins Gayle from Oregon to talk about Kyron and to keep the story alive.  Gayle asks Desiree about Terri Horman, the stepmother who was the last to see him and she said, “She knows everything.”  “What does your gut tell you?” Gayle asks. “Well, I have learned a lot over the case of the investigation.  I know a lot more about how she felt about Kyron…I always knew she had this fake persona but I didn’t realize how deep it went…It was very false,” Desiree says.  “It’s come to our knowledge that she hated Kyron and that she blamed him for her marriage troubles.”  When Gayle asks Desiree where does she think Kyron is now, the mom answers, “I believe he’s somewhere in Portland…and I believe Terri knows where he is at….”   Gayle goes on to ask, “Do you believe that he’s still alive?” Desiree answers, “I hope that he is…I want him to come home…I pray for that everyday.”  Gayle totally supports Desiree and says she hope that someone will come forth and say something….and we hope so too.  Desiree is trying to raise awareness and holding a fundraiser to keep the search going.  Hoping that someone will say something and come forward to give them some answers.  “Somebody other than Terri Horman knows more about this story,” Gayle says.  “I’m hoping that will finally convince someone to speak up.  He’s been missing now for 10 months….it just doesn’t make sense.”  Everyone…say a prayer…and keep the story alive…

About Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas – Taboo, looking all swanky and elegant, joins Gayle to talk about his new book, Fallin’ Up.  Not before we get a beat on with BOOM BOOM BOOM…and some of the BEP highlights. “I was so impressed by your book.  I didn’t know anything about you….we really don’t know your story….and you really let us see your story,” Gayle says.  “You write in your book that March 27, 2007 was the worst day of your life.”  “Well, March 27th was the day that I got arrested for driving under the influence…it was good because I got the wake up call that I needed,”  Taboo tells us.  “I thought of all the people that I had disappointed…” and he believes it saved him and turned his life in the direction to get some help.  He said he was believing all the hype…and fame became fast…partying by himself and living alone.  “I felt like I had let down Fergie, Will, and Apple…and my wife and my son,” he says.  Taboo, aka Jimmy Gomez tells us,“Some people think that I am from the Matrix or a Japanese ghost….but really I’m a Mexican kid…that grew up loving and appreciating his grandmother.”  Taboo is hoping that people might get something out of his book to get motivated or inspired…  Gayle talks to Taboo about all of the big things – the Superbowl, American Idol – but her favorite BEP moment is the Oprah Show flash mob.  THAT still brings me to tears.  I’m posting it…because it still makes me happy and emotional all at once!  

Anyway, back to Taboo and Gayle…Gayle says that she didn’t know until she read the book that even the BEP didn’t even know it was going to be THAT big!  “I never expected 20,000 people…for the first time I stopped dancing during the routine,” Taboo says.  “It was cool.”  Gayle also talks about the Black Eyed Peas video was shot in Japan 1 week before the earthquake…and it was a tremendous experience he says. 

“I feel amazing now…and I will NEVER NEVER NEVER going back to that lifestyle.  I have the opportunity to meet new people and I am a new person. I feel happy to be alive…” Taboo tells us.  He was awesome…and now, I want to go get happy and dance to some Black Eyed Peas!…but I have more to blog on…so read on… 

About Shoe Shame – “Spend your money on shoes and mattress’…because you will spend half of your life in one, and half of your life in the other,” says the grandfather of one of Gayle’s producers.  So Gayle is asking us if we have “shoe shame.”  Now, that is funny.  Peter Walsh tells me I only need 10 pair of shoes…but I’m not so sure about that.  How many pairs do you own? What does your collection say about you?  Do you have shoe shame?  Does shopping for shoes make you happy?  Gayle loves shoes…and doesn’t appear to have shame… 

About Gayle Getting to the Royal Wedding –  Gayle is still trying to be someone’s PLUS ONE.  CNN wants you to submit your videos in a contest to be an I-Reporter for the royal wedding.  But Gayle wants to be a guest…not necessarily an I-Reporter.  Gayle shows us Mike M.’s video…which is hillarious.  I’m out.  For the rest of you…they will be selecting a winner on April 11th… 

About Gayle and Twitter – Gayle gives a special shout out to Jasmine Ortiz and her family for tweeting to her about her purple dress that Andre left in the cab.  Gayle sent a camera crew to this NYC cab driver’s family…”Thank you Ortiz Family!”  Gayle says.  Gayle says to Andre, “We would like you to give them money TODAY.  If Andre doesn’t take care of it today, I guarantee it, I will.”  Andre…sounds like you need to get to the ATM…and FAST!

About Matchmaking at – A family affair, a son and mom have founded “JMOM” for folks everywhere.  Anybody can set you up… and Brad was on his online dating profile…and Brad’s mom was looking through these girls and said, “We need to start a social network for parents to set up their kids…”  So, Brad Weisberg and his mom, Barbara Weisberg, are taking on dating….and making it a family experience.  3 months new…they are working on their new business.  Hey…that’s how long has been around…except we don’t do dates.  Maybe we should….

About Dogs – Gayle loves loves loves dogs…and has to show us Denver’s video.  OMG.I have a dog that does the exact same thing.  She gives me a smile whenever she thinks she might be in trouble.  Dogs…they are wonderful. 

 Enjoy your weekend…and hopefully, we’ll see you next week!

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