Oprah's Next Chapter

Governor Christie Talks Candidly About Love, Weight and the Road to the White House on “Oprah’s Next Chapter”

Nothing personal seemed to be off limits for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in his interview with Oprah during his hour on “Oprah’s Next Chapter”, but one thing seemed to be missing….his deep political views. It is easy to like him. Most of the hour focused on family, aspirations, and his non-apologetic bear instincts. Weaving stories of his late mother, his wife and kids coupled with his humbleness towards his path to the White House, the governor pulled listeners in. He was the epitome of a “guys’ guy”. However at times his ego found its way out of the box…reminding me that he could have played a gentler character on the Sopranos.

As I watched this former Federal prosecutor turned Governor, I could see why so many Republicans tried to push him into the White House. He was open and unapologetic. There didn’t seem to be much he wouldn’t talk about and the way he said it…well, he was sure of himself. It quickly became clear to me in the interview that the only reason he didn’t run in 2012 was because he was strategically carving a path to 2016. “In terms of me, I’ll be much more ready four years from now,” the governor shared. A smart move…and Democrats need to pay attention.

Admittedly Oprah doesn’t give many interviews to politicians because their responses are so “focus group tested” as the governor put it. However, his particular interview was candid and open. Nothing seemed to be off limits. With years of guarded politicians, he is the new breed…not afraid to open his mouth without a teleprompter. “I’m called intriguing because I just say what I think. Why doesn’t everybody just say what they think?” Believing that politics is a contact sport, Christie shared his beliefs that being genuine and connecting with people in a “real human way” are the cores to being a good politician. One person that he felt was great at this…President Clinton.

Oprah then touched on a topic that most of us would be offended by. Mentioning her own struggles with weight and the media, she inquired about how he handled the spotlight. Both of them have been poked at by Dave Letterman and others who focus on their body image as opposed to more important topics. Here is what he had to say about the topic.

In contradiction to his humble demeanor, clips of his ego poked out from time to time. When a woman called in to ask about him cutting funding for public schools when his children went to private schools he actually yelled at her telling her to mind her own business. I paused. He was her representative. She was asking about budget cuts in public schools that he clearly doesn’t utilize. Aside from whether or not he should have answered, I was taken aback by the overall behavior. In all of my professional and personal life, I have never yelled at someone like that. On national television, he was not only rude, he was disrespectful. I had to wonder…maybe this “straight talk” was somewhat submerged in arrogance.

I mean, let’s think about this. He was known within his state, but he was no rock star until the Republican Party began their search for hopefuls. He was different. He didn’t look like a suit that just stepped out of an office. He looked like the guy you sit next to at a football game. He was relatable. So…they were all over him. Suddenly he was being told by people he respected that he had a chance at being the “leader of the free world.” He went from guy on the bench to first draft pick overnight. Dropping names (first names only at times) it was clear in the interview that he felt BIG. With the taste of power comes arrogance….and I feared that is what has happened to him. It is one thing to stand your ground for your beliefs, but it is another to disrespect and demean someone with an opposing position because you feel you can. I wasn’t raised that way. I wouldn’t want a president who acted that way. He seemed less like a governor and more like a bully to me. BUT only to those that opposed or questioned him…otherwise he appeared to be a pretty nice guy. I am certain his handlers can get his rudeness under control, but I am not really sure that someone like that can change. That is a hard one for me.

I will admit Christie isn’t all bear. When speaking of his late mother who once gave him the sage advice that it is better to choose being respected over being loved. If you are respected, love may come. If you are loved without respect, it will go. A simple yet important lesson. In the clip it was obvious his respect and love for his mother ran deep. Yet within moments of speaking these tender words, he opened up about something that is dear to me….education. He has said that he believescommented that the Teacher’s Union was a destructive force. But it is hard to find anyone to stand up and say that teachers are not underpaid and underappreciated. Yet for some reason, education budgets are continually cut. I just don’t understand our world at times. I tell my nephew all the time, “Everything you own can be taken from you…your home, your money, your clothes…everything. But the one thing that can’t be taken is what you know.” Education is our MOST important asset. Yet it is one area that seems to get cut far too often. True the system needs to be overhauled, but how can someone feel good about doing a job when it is clear that the message they receive is that we don’t value them? Our priorities need a major shift. As he refers to asking teachers to take a pay freeze and pitch in more money for health care (resulting in bringing home less money every month), I can’t help but think about how BP executives were up for bonuses last year…even after the oil spill. With oil companies having record setting profits, I’m telling you people….this whole trickle down thing doesn’t work! SO…instead of Governor Christie asking teachers, firefighters and police officers to make these cuts in their paychecks, why doesn’t he just ask our elected officials to take one? Especially since we are paying based on performance. Just a thought.

After acknowledging Mitt Romney’s difficulties in connecting with the people, he openly discussed President Obama’s chances at winning the reelection. “I think those who underestimate Barack Obama, underestimate him at their own peril. He is as good a politician as I have ever seen.” I posted an OWN clip the other day on his advice he’d give President Obama which included a great quote… “It’s a lot harder to hate up close.” He is so right!

Oprah brought the Christie family into the last 15 minutes of the interview. First was his wife who shared the story of how they came together as a couple. Not only did they have similar values and goals, they shared a similar sense of humor. Clearly they love each other…and respect each other greatly. They did, however, disclose a funny story about breaking and entering for donuts!

Ending the interview around the table with the kids, viewers certainly walked away with a better understanding Governor Christie’s personal life. Although I give him a hard time for being a bit of a bully, he has been honest about who he is. Oprah ended by noting that “I knew I was not going to get that political speech from you,” and she was right. Hopefully this kind of candor will spread….allowing us all to have a better understanding of who represents us.

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