Gayle King Show

Friday on the Gayle King Show – January 27, 2011

Gayle started out today by letting us know her weekend plans – resting and a documentary of J. Bieber.  I look forward to see how that interview goes next week.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen Gayle interview someone under…how old is JB?  I wonder how many mommy hugs will he get before the hour is up?  

As always, Gayle is keeping us up to date on what’s going on in the world…and I appreciate the mention of Nelson Mandela’s health.  She talked about when she met him how it was like talking to a living legend….and how she would hang onto his every word.  I remember reading, “Part of My Soul Went with Him” by Winnie Mandella in a Sociology class in college.  It was moving and inspiring and took me out of my own little world and opened my eyes to see so much more.  So, when Nelson Mandella was freed in February 1990…and went on a rock star tour, speaking to thousands around the world, I was in the crowd, ready to hear his message.  His words were uplifting…and moving…without reflecting anger or frustration from what he had to endure.  His call was to change.  His message was peace.  He is a living legend…that you realize has changed the world.  I was one of those attending, hanging onto his every word…realizing that in his presence, I felt like I could change the world.  Yes, his strength transcends and he is that inspiring. 

Lots of quick bits – Egypt, Rohm, the Challenger accident, Oprah, Michelle Obama, Gayle can’t cook (TIP: open canned tomato soup, srinkle parm cheese on top and add a few croutons and wa-la….you are a gourmet!) and Charlie Sheen’s drama. 

So after moving through some bits of stuff, in came Robert Gibbs, the current White House Press Secretary who is moving on to be an outside advisor around mid-February.  He’s ready to get off the treadmill and take his 7 year old Ethan to school.  “What about your time in the WH?”  GK asks.  RG talks about how with his answers, it was important to slow down and getting some depth and breadth into the answers.  They talked about working for a friend…and the friend being your boss….and the friend being the President.  But Bob kept it all in stride.  He said the job is fun, but challenging and it’s clear he realizes that what he says reflects an office that where what you say can make a huge impact on things in the world.  When asked about Egypt, he noted how it is an issue that the entire world is focused on. The country is an ally and a positive force for a comprehensive peace in the Middle East.  But he also understands the long held and deep grievances that the Egypt’s government must address.  “They have to create a state for meaningful dialog and meaningful political reform” he noted.    Finally, he talked about his successor….and his unique relationship with the President.  They covered a lot of ground in a short amount of time.  GK was even able to ask him what he would do if he were Charlie Sheen’s Press Secretary.  His answer, “Resign.” 

Finally, Gayle spent some hot time with Dohnny Deutsch, a media mogul turned talk show host for Bravo’s show, “Love Calling.” THIS is where her question of the day plugs in to today’s show. Do people has sex sooner because of social networking?  Donny mentions how people will text things that they would never say in person.  “Baby you’re so hot,” was an example that came way too easy for him.  I think he’s texted this before.  Our expert has been married and divorced twice, is considered both a player and a hot bachelor…so Gayle asks, “Are you really the person to get advice from?”  So somewhere in his answer, he slips in “Women are superior,” and we forget all of his background and forgive all of his past behavior.  He said we were superior…he’s at least enlightened.  I’ve got to give it to him…he had Gayle giggling a little and it was a cute segment.  I’m convinced, for advice on men…I have a player friend that would probably be great to ask.  I did like his answer to “what advice would you give to our 23 year old daughter?” which was “Be true to who you are.  Be who you are.”  Yes, this is something that every 20-something woman needs to be told.  So…finally, there was a little hot disagreement on when to call after a date.  GK is tired of playing games….call if you had a good time and tell him.  DD says…If you go out on a date, you should not call him and wait for him to call him.  GK asks, “What is wrong for me to call you?”  DD’s answer, “Nothing’s wrong – strategically from a man’s perspective – it just shows that you are too anxious.  If he doesn’t call you, he doesn’t need a reminder. We don’t need reminders. If we like you, we’ll call.”  But Gayle wants to call.  Finally, DD tells here, “When you call, you ARE calling to say “When are we going out again” if you call to tell him that you had a good time.”  He’s got you there Gayle! 

To close the show, GK webchatted and played a possible new theme song TWICE.  It was pretty catchy….toe tappin…heart lifting…bubbly and all.  It’s definitely my favorite so far.  And Leland and Jason – what a hoot!  A totally cute and upbeat song…AND it had spelling!  I can’t believe it but I did like it.  I might be able to handle that for a year or so…

And a special Happy Birthday shout out for Oprah.  How I do hope she has a wonderful weekend…and that for the upcoming year, she totally OWN’s it!

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