Beauty and Fashion, OYou BootCamp 2012

The Beautiful Secret to Beauty

OYou 2012 Boot Camp: Beauty Inside & Out – Week 4

Today I felt anything but beautiful. It wasn’t because my makeup was off or my hair was a little less than perfect…it was just because.  I couldn’t put my finger on it. It may have been the coffee breakfast and bad judgment of not grabbing a bite to eat until I became so grumpy that even I had to tune myself out.  It may have been keeping the curtains drawn to keep the heat out but that blocked the light as well.  Or…it may have just been the mountain that I had to climb to get to where I needed to really see what I needed to see.  I just was having a ‘non-beautiful’ day….until I was reminded by Val Monroe from O the Oprah Magazine that beauty is not what we see outside ourselves, it is what spirit we carry with us each and every day.  It is not the perfect outfit or the flawless skin, but it’s the smiles we offer for no apparent reason and the voice that we use and the energy that we bring to a situation.  Beauty is the kindness that we offer the world mirrored back onto our lives.    It’s the kindness that we give to those we love, to those we don’t even know and to ourselves.  It is the gentle touch, the smile, the love that we put out into the world.  If you ever find that you are having an off day, be kind to yourself or to someone else in your world and everything just might change into something you see as beautiful.  This is the beautiful secret.  Have a beautiful life…

2 thoughts on “The Beautiful Secret to Beauty

  1. I love that flower so much!! I could easily see an avatar that looks like that! LOL Such great quality work you do each and every day!! Love you girls so much!! Thinking of you! Be safe!

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