Super Soul Sunday

Super Soul Sunday with Iylana Vanzant – The Videos

Last  week on Super Soul Sunday, OWN brought us Part 1 of a soul to soul interview with Iylana Vanzant. On the heels of the premier of Iylana Fix My Life which comes officially to OWN on September 15th, the interview is a gift that two amazing teachers are giving to the world.  The lessons of survival, listening to your soul and surrender are only a few of the amazing gifts that came from this episode.  As in true Oprah and Iylana fashion, when they get together to break it open and talk, we are blessed with more than just an hour.  Next week, Super Soul Sunday will air part 2 of the interview.

Here are a few of the view clips from the show. Thanks OWN.
From OWN: Who is Rhonda Harris?

From OWN: How Iylana Overcame Guilt

From OWN: Iylana Vanzant on Surrendering to Your Purpose

From OWN: Iylana’s 6th Sense


1 thought on “Super Soul Sunday with Iylana Vanzant – The Videos

  1. Good Morning,
    i decided to fill this Sunday morning listening to recorded showings of Bishop T.D. Jakes from my dvr. i put the show on pause and began to go outside and as i placed my hand on the doorknob i heard a blue jay scream out. i opened the door and walked over to a chair on my front porch quietly so that i could take in what he was screaming about. He came down on a limb to get a better look at me then screamed again and flew across the street and as he took off another bird flew out of the same tree andwent to my neighbors yard. As if choreographed they both landed on the ground at the same time and began picking from the ground to eat. The Grackle had other Grackles with him and i lit a cigarette as i attempted to count them. Six in all – and about that time a mocking bird landed on the limb that the blue jay had been on. He looked at me – decided i wasn’t a threat and landed on my sidewalk sticking his beak into a hole in the sidewalk and began drinking. As i watched him take his second drink i heard a buzzing – a bee came to take from the dark purple verbena flowers that were blooming in a basket hanging from my front porch rail matched only by a hummingbird that came to drink from the fresh nectar that i had put out only a few days ago. Then it hit me – i am in the presence of God. Just look at how well all of God’s creatures are working together. Then this was laid upon my heart:
    When are you going to show that you are one of God’s creatures? Supposedly as humanswe are the ones with the intelligence –
    i’ve never seen a blue jay with a cigarette hanging from his mouth.
    i’ve never seen a hummingbird flashing all of it’s beauty around for anyone that would pay to have it.
    i’ve never seen a bee wake in the morning flying dangerously and uncalculated because it drank too much the night before.
    i’ve never seen an ant hit snooze and when it finally awakened gripe because it had to get up and go to work.
    the birds course through the grass because worms are sticking their heads out and the trees have dropped acorns. They feast and are nourished. They are in alignment with God – with their purpose – and enjoyed a banquet.
    Not us – not us intelligent humans – no we rise above all that – and as a result get so out of alignment the vessel cant even drive in a straight line.
    Later i began watching Super Soul with Iylana the second show and heard you two describing your moment in nature – i felt i should share.

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