Oprah's LifeClass

Oprah’s Lifeclass Lesson 11: Videos on Your Life Speaks to You in Whispers

Thank you OWN for sharing some of these great moments from Oprah’s Lifeclass on Your Whispers.

Oprah  Shares One of the Great Principles of Life -Over the years, Oprah says she’s learned that life whispers to you all the time. Are you listening? Learn why Oprah believes this lesson is one the of the greatest principles of life.

How Intuition Helped Save Jaycee Dugard -Oprah looks back at her interview with police officer Allison Jacobs and police specialist Lisa Campbell, women who used their intuition to help save Jaycee Dugard, a girl who was held captive by kidnappers for 18 years. Learn why Oprah says this story teaches us to listen closely to life’s whispers.

Oprah  Urges People to Pay Attention to Warning Signs – In 2006, Oprah met Cheri Ehrenfeld, a woman who ignored warning signs that her husband was trying to kill her with rat poison. Find out what Oprah thinks you can learn from her story.

What  Tracey Gold Learned from Her Drunk Driving Arrest
– In 2004, a family barbecue nearly ended in tragedy when actress Tracey Gold lost control of her SUV and crashed, injuring her husband and two of her children. Tests revealed that her blood alcohol level was almost twice the legal limit, and she was arrested for driving under the influence. Find out what Tracey learned about listening to her inner voice after that night.

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