Oprah's LifeClass

Oprah’s Lifeclass Lesson 12: Videos on Holding On to your Past

Thanks OWN for sharing these videos on Oprah’s Lifeclass on forgiveness and letting go of the past. Tonight’s lesson was a great lesson on how to look at life…and your world…and all the gifts that are yours if you just change your perspective and step out of the past and into today.

Why Oprah Stopped Doing Confrontational Television – For many years, The Oprah Winfrey Show featured guests confronting one another on camera. Oprah reveals why she’s embarrassed when she looks back on those and shares the reason she decided to change her show’s direction.

5 Sisters Confront One Another on The Oprah Show – In 1993, five sisters, bitterly feuding after their mother’s death, took Oprah’s stage to confront one another. Eighteen years later, they are a family once again. Watch them reveal what brought them back together and learn an important lesson about letting go of grudges.

Dr. Phil’s Advice for Couples Coping with Infidelity – When a spouse cheats, a couple can only move forward if both can find emotional closure. Watch Dr. Phil give tough love to a couple who were having trouble moving forward back in 2000 and find out where they are today.

Gary Zukav Helps a Grieving Mother Move Forward – In 2000, we met a young mother stuck in her grief after the death of one of her infant twins. Watch her conversation with spiritual teacher Gary Zukav and find out why Oprah called this moment of healing a “holy moment.”

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