Oprah's LifeClass

Oprah Lifeclass Lesson 19: Notes from Step Out of the Box

Step out of your box

Today, Oprah is motivating us to shake things up and ignite our inner-self with not just stepping outside the box…but realizing that living sometimes means stepping up to an unknown edge and having the courage to push yourself over…and into a whole new life of possibilities.  Here are my notes…

  • “If you want something you’ve never had, you’d better do something you’ve never done.”-Oprah
  • What would you do if you weren’t afraid? – on the wall at Facebook
  • Step out of your box.  Push through it when you’re afraid
  • Today is about doing the thing you ordinarily wouldn’t do but when you do it, it opens up the space of your life.
  • Case Study: Colonial House: Sending Gayle Back in Time in 2004-  Oprah shares that she had a great idea for Gayle to go and live like during colonial times for 2 months.  Then, this became a weekend trip with Oprah there too.  Going full in, Oprah and Gayle put on the clothes, jump into the life and ask a lot of questions.  “Spending time at the Colonial House made me thing how easy we all have it now,” Oprah says.  What is your normal routine?  Do something out of your comfort zone.  When people had nothing, they had to entertain themselves.  Connection.  Were we more connected back then?  Without technology.  Everyone working together to do the simplest thing like sharing a meal. Think about it.  How can you reconnect? Be aware of this…and step out of your OWN box.
  • When you do what you ordinarily wouldn’t your whole life expands.
  • Stepping out of your box can be as simple as changing what you wear.
  • Case Study: Channeling Sexy – In 2003, The Oprah Show helped Heather channel her inner sexpot and get rid of all of the appliques sweaters.  See yourself as something different – vibrant and sexy.  Life is not just about a makeover, it’s about stepping out of your old box and finding the new things that make you shine and make you come alive.  Now, this mom took a few poll dancing lessons and performed for her husband on Oprah.  Women get stuck in a mold.  Oprah reminds us that it’s important to get out of that mold and see yourself in a different light.  Don’t deny who you are.  Always remember what is important to you…and try to be true to yourself.  This CHANGED her life.  Amazing!
  • Case Study:  Four Women at Skydiving School – In 2009, the Oprah Show took Ali and 3 other women to change their lives and face their fears.  THIS was stepping out of the box in a big way.
  • If your cup is empty, you can’t give anyone else any water from your cup to drink. – Yanika
  • It’s about taking that one step that opens up the possibilities for many steps to come.  When you do the thing that you thought you couldn’t do or never imagined doing, it opens up a whole new world of “I wonder what else I can do.”  It opens up your life.
  • Doing the thing you thought you couldn’t do opens up your mind to wonder, “What else can I do?”
  • Case Study:  It Just Takes Guts – In 2002, Tangela Pierce came on the Oprah Show and shared her struggle with weight.  Tangela shares that her weight held her back from living.  So, going towards a life full of liberty and freedom, she stepped out of her box, out of her front door and into her neighborhood and ran through her streets in a bikini.  LOL.  It’s so wonderful to see her so happy and laughing and knocking on doors.  She is shining…she says, “I feel empowered, boldness, good…” Shedding the body shame…stepping out of a box…inspiring to let go and just love yourself for who you are.
  • If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. – Tangela

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