Everyday Inspiration

New Year’s Resolutions – Another Year & Another Chance to Get it Right

“Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Oprah

With New Year’s fast approaching, it is a time for all of us to reflect back on our own personal journeys and address our deepest hopes.  Whether it is to lose weight, to find patience, to become more financially stable, or to become a better listener, we all search deep down to find what we believe we most need in our lives.   You see….New Year’s resolutions are about gifts to ourselves.  Putting ourselves first in a world where we often place ourselves last. 

For many years I set personal goals that typically fizzled out by March and at times even served as a sad reminder of inadequacy by June.   When I hit 30, I decided it was no longer about goals, but more about spirtual enhancement.  Each year I’d pick a trait I wanted to work on that year.  I began with patience and even strategically placed the word in my life – inside my day planner, written in the corner of my mirror, and even found visual reminders to trigger the thoughts.  Like placing a sign on the refrigerator door, the words and images helped me to be the person I wanted to be.    I wasn’t necessarily a Yoda master by year’s end, but I was closer and for once I felt as if I had accomplished a New Year’s resolution.  From then on, my New Year’s resolutions became about my life and becoming who I wanted to be in the world.  

Spending past years on trust, listening, patience, smiling, gratitude, laughter and so much more, I am chosing something new this year.  This year I am focusing on the word “WORTHY”  and what THIS  means in my journey and in my life.   At times it is hard for me to balance a life of gratitude with one of worthiness.  By year’s end, maybe I will have my own new chapter.

So…OWNies like me, join this “WORD Resolution Revolution”, as my sister has branded it.  Find YOUR word and change your life.  What’s your word?

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