Your OWN Show

Your OWN Show Episode 4: Get the Salmon in the Pan with Chef Curtis Stone

With Aunt Flora gone….it’s time to get serious….right?  Professional Chef Curtis Stone is our mentor this week, and just in time because we are doing a live cooking segment.  Let the races begin.  Team Vision is hot-potatoe’ing the EP duties this week.  Nobody wants them…it’s too much of a hot seat to be in and at this point, we are down to 3 on that team and everyone needs to watch out for themselves.  Team Focus is feeling the heat a little too.  Zack steps up to be the EP….and they push Tony to the front of the camera….”challenge yourself” they say.     

The Prep – Team Vision – Chef Curtis walks into the team meetings and Elizabeth is the EP.  She is confident but maybe a little too much so.  She cuts off Terey… “she’s killing our time with him,” Kristina says.  Oh…here we go.

Team Focus – Down the hall, Team Focus asks some good questions….and as Curtis says, “has a much more different vibe….”  That’s a good thing…until he leaves.  Then, Tony starts freaking out.  He’s nervous.  He doesn’t cook.  Just breathe Dr. Tony! 

Time for lessons and more….Out on the town, Team Vision gets a cooking lesson on their pork and pasta dish…and Team Focus gets one on their Greek salad and salmon.  Kristina and Terey feel successful and excited….until Elizabeth comes in and puts the kabash on the fun. 

Team Focus has a less successful lesson.  Tony’s still nervous and overwhelmed…just make it work people…1 hour to Showtime and Tony throws out some skits that would take him out of the cooking equation.  Somebody….just get us to the rehersal.

The Taping – Team Focus keeps loosing focus with Tony as they meet in rehearsal.  Curtis sets it up….and Tony still doesn’t want to cook.  Oh…let’s hope for the best. Let’s get started.  Curtis is doing it all and Ryan is trying to get involved….but he’s completely on the sideline.  The whole segment was a little not coordinated.  If it was a dance….people would have been tripping all over each other’s feet.  Ouch. 

Team Vision has a vision.  It’s Elizabeth’s vision….but she is the EP.  She’s very serious about this role…and it’s clear that Kristina and Terey are a little frustrated…but let’s get it done.  The girls shake off their irritation and find their fun and fluidity.  They rocked it…for a first time cooking segment. 

The Deliberation – Wow.  Elizabeth from Team Vision says, “I actually think that we didn’t win ….because Kristina…it should have been a slam dunk.”  Elizabeth really throws the team in front of the bus and says that they didn’t go over talking points…they didn’t do it the way that I wanted them to do.  Too many divas in the kitchen…totally.  From Team Focus, Zack admits, “I was overwhelmed….”  Curtis even says…. “With 3 people on the stage, it’s hard to not step on each other’s words.”  Curtis admits….”I think I would have sold more books on the ladies segment” and the deliberation follows with that as well.  The ladies win this one.

Curtis calls Tony on his negative attitude up until taping….and the two up for deliberation are Ryan and Tony.  Maybe now we will hear some of what Ryan wanted to say during the show…and it does.  Ryan is so relaxed and likeable….I love him.  Tony is not relaxed….and fluid.  He’s listening….just not completely present.  Is he listening?  Well, listen to this Tony….I think you are out of here….but instead of being cut….he cuts himself.  Well, Tony….it still would have been you….even if you hadn’t quit.  And there we go…

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