Welcome to Sweetie Pie's

Welcome to Sweetie Pie’s – Dreams Come True for the Montgomerys on the Season Finale

Finally things are beginning to settle down for the Montgomery family and Sweetie Pie’s. It appeared TJ was finally out of the woods, Jenae’s friends were throwing her a baby shower, Charles was actually working and sharing his desire to go to college. It was a Sweetie Pie’s dream! OR was it? As soon as Charles mentioned he wanted to go to a community college, you would have thought that Robbie would have been relieved – finally he has hope of a future. But it didn’t go down that way. Instead she was the pessimist at the table leaving Tim trying to keep her from shattering Charles hopes. Now…Robbie claimed she was just a “realist” but it was clear that she didn’t think Charles had it in him to make it to classes. “I know where I want to go, I just don’t know how to get there,” he shared with Tim. He wanted to become a veterinarian. It was hard. For a moment, we all saw a new side to Tim as he struggled with the opportunities he sacrificed in order to help his mom. He is a good son…and that can come with a cost. I began to think that there was more to Robbie’s disappointment. Maybe this had more to do with her hoping Charles would grow up and one day join the family business. Maybe that was her dream.

However not all of her dreams were shattered. After over 6 months of waiting, Robbie finally got the call she had hoped for….her construction loan was FINALLY approved! “We’ve got the loan. We’re moving on!” Finding herself pumped full of good energy, she kicked Tim out so he could spend a little time with his son and Jenae. I am certain he felt a HUGE weight lifted from her shoulders once the loan came through. Finally things were moving forward again. TJ was getting better, the new restaurant was back on track and he was planning a date with Jenae. The smiles on their faces as they signed the loan were beautiful. Nothing but joy rising for the Montgomerys!

The date was a great break for both Tm and Jenae – a reminder of how much they love each other. It was a much needed break from all the stress and craziness. In the meantime, Jenae’s best friend worked to pull together the co-ed baby shower and she even hit Robbie up to use her house. Robbie was still riding high on the fantastic news and agreed. When the day finally arrived, storms knocked out the electricity and they had to make due with candlelight. But truth be told, you don’t need electricity to enjoy time with family and those who love you. The only bummer was that Tim had to stay at work to do payroll and missed the event. He would have to settle for pictures and left overs.

Charles headed to the local community college for a tour and an orientation. Still feeling uncertain and a little out of his league, he found himself receiving advice from Ike, the line cook at Sweetie Pie’s. “Don’t disappoint everybody and don’t disappoint yourself but go and be something,” Ike offered. “A lot of people wish they were in your shoes…I know I’m one of ‘em. For real.”

Robbie didn’t wait long to get started with the new restaurant. Tim set up a special symbolic ribbon cutting for just him as his mom. They had been through so much on their journey to that moment. Finally they could put it behind them. Despite arguing over carpet versus hardwood, Team Montgomery was fired up. Feeling grateful for all that she had, Robbie took some quality time out to speak at Gateway180, a homeless shelter for families. Her story was certain to be an inspiration to everyone there. If a famous singer could become homeless and then rise again to incredible success….then they were free to dream and hope as well.

In tears as she delivered the prayer before dinner service, Robbie was overwhelmed by all the blessings in her life. Singing and dancing to her signature closing song, the family, the employees and customers joined her on the floor. Jubilation and pure joy rising! Although the show is taking a break, it will be back and there is so much to look forward to – baby TJ will be coming home, the wedding will finally be happening and the new Sweetie Pie’s will be closer to opening their doors. Until then, I am certain TJ and the Montgomery will enjoy their first Christmas together while we catch a few reruns to hold us over. I’ll keep you posted on when the new season begins.

1 thought on “Welcome to Sweetie Pie’s – Dreams Come True for the Montgomerys on the Season Finale

  1. This is the best show I’ve seen in a long time. It feels like I know each and every person at Sweetie Pie’s. The food always looks good and I always wish I could go right around the corner to the restaurant to eat.

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