.OWN in General

Top 5 “Did You Know” Moments from OWN & NYC Lifeclass

This week we are doing things a little different because of our trip to Oprah’s Lifeclass in New York City and because we felt a little fearless!  Typically each Friday, we take a look back over the week and bring you the “Top 5 Moments” of OWN programming.   We are still doing that a little later today BUT we are also adding a “Top 5 Did You Know” list from our own trip to NYC Lifeclass.  Although there were SO many moments, we did our best to narrow them down. Here they are.  Enjoy!

  1. All SALATAS have great hair.  If your last name is Salata…your hair is amazing.  Just a fact! Sheri Salata. Jodi Salata. Cousin Salata. ALL of them…great hair.  It is what it is.
  2. Jonny Sinclair may or may not really exist…the verdict is still out.  We still aren’t 100% sure.
  3. The friendship, love, support and admiration that Gayle and Oprah have for each other can fill up Radio City Music Hall…and then spill over, too!
  4. The “Oprah Effect” actually refers to the energy that surrounds Oprah and causes the brain waves of people approaching her to freeze up and go haywire.
  5. OWN employees and OWN fans are the most amazing people you will ever meet…The spirit. The energy. The light.  Lifeclass was  life changing…and it wasn’t just from the lessons from Oprah and Tony on Monday night.  It was from the entire 4 day experience…every single moment and every single person.

2 thoughts on “Top 5 “Did You Know” Moments from OWN & NYC Lifeclass

  1. I’m still processing the experience and while I did not get to meet Oprah, or Gail K. or Tony or even Sheri Salata in person: I was within five feet of Sheri while she was on the phone! The staffers were great, the classmates were awesome and the RCMH crew were perhaps a bit nicer too.
    Thanks again for a great experience. I discovered my “ah-ha” moment and am hoping for a break though anyday now. Thanks again. L

    1. That is great, Laura. We’d love to hear about your “a-ha” moment. Lifeclass was amazing. It seemed everyone was working off such positive energy. It really makes you realize the power we all have coming together. We are so glad you were able to be there and experience that alongside so many OWN viewers. Thanks again, Patricia

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