Gayle King Show

On the Gayle King Show – David Foster & Professional Concierge, Michael Fazio March 10, 2011

Gayle King starts the show this morning by making us hungry this morning…even though lamb and tuna don’t sound particularly appetizing at 10am…but I’m already planning my Top Chef lunch and dinner.  

About Wisconsin – Gayle starts discussing Wisconsin’s sneaky government tactics.  “Shame,” says one of the Democrats.  The Governor Scott Walker apparently thinks he is greater than law.  Shame, Wisconsin lawmakers …shame on you for not being your best self.  Gayle asks, “Why wouldn’t the 14 Democratic Senators just stay and vote against it?” she asks. 

About Mario-Day – MAR + 10 = “Mario Day” is what Gayle’s favorite driver Mario has informed all of us of.  Happy Mario Day, Mario! 

About Hottest Political Figures vs. Coolest Political Figures – Really?  A hot list?  Well, kudos to Michelle Obama for topping our list.  And sorry Newt G. and S. Palin…you guys are ‘cool’ and not in a good way.  Kinda like the “what’s hot, what’s not” of a style magazine.  Ouch.

About the 17 month old who was locked in an overhead compartment by a Virgin Blue Atlantic flight attendant – Natalie Williamson is suing Virgin Blue Atlantic for picking up her son and putting him in the overhead compartment and shutting it for 10 seconds.  The parents were walking up and down the aisles of the flight and the attendant picked him up and stuffed him overhead!  What in the world?  Gayle asks, “Was this a game of hide and seek?”  Natalie says, “Absolutely not true.”  And I say, “Who cares!  This is so NOT acceptable.  If ANYONE did this, people would be outraged.  Just because it was a Flight Attendant DOES not make it okay.”  What was this Virgin Blue Airline’s employee thinking?  Oh…they weren’t thinking.  Virgin…make this right…because we love your airline. 

About David Foster – DF has a new DVD out… “Hit Masters: David Foster and Friends” sounds like a great collection.  September, I’m Every Woman, On the Radio (Mrs. Donna Summer!)  OHHHHH OO OO…they have us singin today!  So relaxed, David tells us, “Compromise brings me nothing…because compromise makes for a bad record.”   Gayle asks him what he thinks of the music today.  David says, “I think there’s a lot of great stuff out there…”  Gayle asks David to give her one word to describe these great singers.  Here are his answers…in his own worlds.  “Barbara – Kind.  Celine – Greatest. Mariah – Unbelievable. Whittney – Lazer Beam.  Dolly – That’s 2 things.”  David and Gayle go on to talk a little about the “Donald Trump Roast” that is going on….and David called it “shocking.”  “There was nothing there that I can repeat her on TV,” he says.  Roasts seem so mean spirited sometimes…that it almost seems wrong to watch them.  Isn’t it public bullying for laughs?  I don’t know…can’t we all just be a little nicer when we “bust someone’s chops”? 

Gayle asks David about a the news that he is writing a “Betty Boop” musical…and says, “That surprises me…” Josh (from yesterday) sends a question, “Do you still get the same high for when you discover a new artist?”  David’s answer is, “Yes….you can’t not….I just go crazy when I hear great talent.” 

A final note…David’s getting married (to wife #4…but who’s counting) to “the lovely Yolanda” on 11-11-11.  “How did you know she was the one?”  He just did…he says.  She’s the one….and as a final parting gift, I think he just offered to give her some free consulting about her theme song…PLEASE David, write us a HIT…and let’s be done with it! 

About the 7 year itch….or is it the 3 year itch – It’s no longer the “7 year itch” Gayle tells us.  “The breaking point for couples now comes after 3 years,” she says. Here are the things that are the reasons given for this lack of attention span to our marriages and our relationships:  A partner’s weight gain, lack of money, anti-social working hours, lack of personal hygiene (i.e. nail clippings), lack of sexy underwear, or too much exposure to the in-laws.  Gayle starts the discussion…and gets lots of calls and FB posts.  It seems like everyone is a little “itchy.” 

About How to get the Best Perks advice from Michael Fazio – A professional concierge and author of “Concierge Confidential” is our guest today to tell us how to get the best of everything…. “You have to learn how to position yourself,” Michael tells us.  “You have to put yourself in the industry…and put yourself in their world.  Use their buzz words…that you are informed and on their team,” he goes on.  Then Gayle asks him, “Has there ever been anything that people have asked you to get and you have said no?”  Michael says, “You know, I’m embarrassed to say ‘no’.”  So then, Gayle asks, “People would ask you to get women? Drugs?  Sex?” and Michael laughs and says, “So, yeah, here’s the deal…I didn’t break the law….it’s all in the delivery…all I do when I have dealt with this is say, “I don’t know how to do that, but if I had to I would…..” and then tell them what to do. In the book, Gayle points out that Michael also has a “Wealthy to English” dictionary.  Nothing to precious = nothing too expensive….things like that.  Gayle’s philosophy – “I don’t think money has to make you a jerk or a bad person.  Don’t you think that’s true?”  “A thousand percent,” says Michael smiling.  “To me, I don’t mean to be sarcastic but it does make me smile.  There’s nothing better than a really nice, really rich person.” This guy is sooooooo funny…now, I want to read the book… 

About Lindsay Lohan – A plea deal means jail…so, the word is a jury trial.  3 years if convicted… “If I was her mother, I would have interveened a long time ago,” says Gayle.  “Otherwise, I’d tell her to take the deal, serve the time, and lesson learned.” 

About Mel Gibson – Done with him…I hear his name and it’s hard to listen anymore…sorry MG…but you did this to me. 

About Gayle, Lent and No Charlie – Day 2 done and No stories about he who shall not be named…great job!

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