Super Soul Sunday

Super Soul Sunday with Marianne Williamson – The Recap and the Videos

Each Sunday almost always starts the same. Sleep in. Wake to the sunrise. Take the dogs on a walk as I make plans for the day. Enjoy a few moments of the sun shining its way into my life and then, opening my soul to the lessons as I sit down and take in Super Soul Sunday on OWN.  Each Sunday, Oprah spends an hour with someone amazing just talking…like I imagine it would be talking with Oprah.  Just connecting.  And each Sunday, I am moved beyond words by how thoughtful and inspiring this program is.  This Sunday was no different as Oprah and Marianne Williamson sat and discussed life and love and invited us along through the lens of Super Soul Sunday.

With words of love and reminders that our life is especially designed for us. “The perfect lessons is whatever is happening right now,” Marianne tells us.  You are already on the path.  So, take your life and open yourself up to making what you have right now your best life. Fill your life with love. Fill your space with love and let go of any negative responses taking up space in your life, because when you do…the light from your heart will fill up your life.  This is the lesson that spoke to me.  As simple as light and dark. You choose each day which one you want your life to be. 

So as I move my life in the direction of our OYou BootCamp Challenge this week and work to open my heart to new ideas of what my passion and journey might be, I am reminded by Super Soul Sunday that I am exactly where I am meant to be at this very moment…and as long as I stay open to the world around me and open my heart, living my best life will happen…because it already is. 

In case you missed any of Sunday’s show, here are a few quick clips from OWN that will give you a chance to soak in some quick soulful lessons that just may change your life.  Enjoy!


From OWN: Marianne Williamson on Recognizing Miracles in Your Life

Marianne Williamson on What’s Wrong with the World

Oprah’s Favorite Passage from A Return to Love 

Soul to Soul with Marianne Williamson

1 thought on “Super Soul Sunday with Marianne Williamson – The Recap and the Videos

  1. Super Soul Sunday is my ritual every Sunday after I get home from mass. I can’t live without them.
    I’ve never read Marianne Williamson’s book A Return to Love. That same afternoon I went to the library to rent it.
    This summer has been very challenging for me. I lost my clients, we have limited funds in the bank, I’m always with my kids and I’m not happy with myself. When MW said we are on the path for our best life. That really hit me hard. I’m so focused on what I don’t have. On what i need, I forget that I am loved and I have every reason to love everyone around me. I should be Grateful for everything in my life now.
    As I continue with this challenge, I have to keep reminding myself that nothing is important without LOVE!

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