Health and Fitness, OYou BootCamp 2012

Steps to Living Your Best Life: How do you find time for You?

OYou 2012 Boot Camp Week Two

As we jump into week two of our OYou Boot Camp challenge, an all too familiar theme has shown up.  This time a lot earlier in the process than expected.  How do you find the time to be on your own list?  How do you stop putting the rest of the world ahead of yourself?  It’s not an unfamiliar theme that many women deal with every day all over the world.  The truth is, most people never even get around to thinking about it because they are so darn busy taking care of life, work, laundry, dinner…you name it and it always comes up higher on the list than something more “me-ful” like taking a walk, indulging in a bubble bath or falling into a day of doing what you love.  So why is that?  Why do we think that other people need for us to be at every meeting, make every decision, or take care of everything?  I mean, if I had someone in my life sweeping in and taking over and making everything a little easier…I just might be apt to taking two huge steps back and saying, “Go for it.”

Letting go and letting things happen without making them happen is a challenge for many of us over-achievers who work to hold our world together every day.  But dare I say…today, I’m letting go.  Letting go of the idea that if I don’t do it, it won’t get done. Letting go of taking care of everything else on the list and saving the very last breath of the day to do what I want to do for my own life ….what I NEED to do for my own life.  Today, I’m doing things a little different.  I’m taking a breath and two big steps back.  I’m letting the world do what it needs to do to keep spinning on its own and I’m going to take some time to get back on my list and get back closer to the top.   I don’t need to do it all…I just need to do what’s important and the message that is long overdue in my life is just that – I’m important.

Take some of your own time and give yourself that same message.  YOU are important…so join me…and jump off your old “to-do” list and make a brand new one. This time put YOU at the top.

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