Living the Lessons

Staying Positive and Riding the Wave

I am an artist by nature.  I didn’t always know it…or embrace it…even though it was right in front of me. Left mind dominates. Emotions rule my life…and when emotions rule your life, it’s like a roller-coaster of waves.  Get ready to ride the wave of highs and lows and quick turns and sudden stops.  Oprah and Martha Beck at the OYou conference told us the importance of riding the waves in life…and it’s now clear that learning how to balance yourself and staying positive are going to be lifelong lessons.

Martha Beck told us, “It’s the way to navigate the change in your life…ride the wave.  Look inside or on the path you have traveled for lessons to teach you how to ride the way without being swept away.”  And Oprah told us…”About the wave…you ride the wave…don’t get scared.”

Each day like so many other left minded people, I ride my wave through life and do my best.  Sometimes I look for rainbows…sometimes I try to be the rainbow…and sometimes…I just try to stay standing…because when a wave knocks you down…it can be hard to get back up.  But, like with everything in life…it gets easier each time and I am worth getting up each time.  By the end of the journey, I will be a champion wave rider…this I know for sure.  Get up today!  Ride your wave with passion and fun and laughter!  You too can be a champion wave rider!  Let’s enjoy the journey together!

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