Health and Fitness, OYou BootCamp 2012

Living Your Best Healthy Life

As Hurricane Isaac swirled off the coast, our spa pampering weekend that we were so looking forward to got pushed into a storm preparedness weekend.  While a little disappointing (ok, a lot disappointing), everything happens for a reason and having peace of mind and water trumped having pampered feet and detoxified pores.  So while the facials and treatments are put on hold for another non-rainy day, the storm prep brought kind of the same effect – it lowered our stress and stock piled  water for our body.  This week with just rainy weather and wind on the horizon, we are moving into our OYou Health Week Challenge and feeling good already about making this happen. It’s time for channeling our inner Dr. Oz and finding the right combination for our lives.

Here are our 3 challenges for this week:

  • 5 Good Minutes – This week, take 5 good minutes to listen to your body.  Start or end your day with 5 minutes of asking yourself how you are feeling and listen to what your body needs. Are you eating on schedule? Do you need to move more? Are you in need of some good stretches or a great skin hydration?  Do you need more sleep?  Take 5 minutes for you and pay attention and some focus to what is going on with your body and in your world.  This is key to living a healthy life!
  • A Hard Look – What does your relationship with food look like? How can you take conscious control over your weak spots and take your power back? What is stopping you from living your best life in the best and healthiest body that you can? It all starts with a hard look at the food around you and what that relationship looks like. We’ll be channeling Bob Greene for this one.
  • Trying Something New – Everyday this week try to do something different.  Seek out new things and be health adventurous.  Make a blended smoothie with flax-seed, incorporate super foods into your day, seek out the local organic farm stand in your area, or dust off the sneakers and spend a little more time at the gym.  Everyday push yourself to do something new.  You just might be surprised what you find that you like.

We hope you follow our journey and are inspired enough to join us.  Welcome to week five of our OYou 2012 Boot Camp Challenge. Take the time to pay attention to your life…take care of your mind, body and spirit and it will take care of you.  This week we are focusing on what living your best healthy like feels and looks like…because you deserve to live your best life for as long as you can!

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