Lifestyle, Living the Lessons, OYou BootCamp 2011

OYou Boot Camp Week 10 with Gayle King

As we enter into the final two weeks of our OYou Boot Camp Challenge, we are finding our lives a little more connected and focused…but also a little more heavy footed and tired from the journey.  From Nate Berkus to Suze Orman to Dr. Oz to Adam Glassman,  each week has brought light into a different area of our lives and has made us stronger for it.  In these last two weeks of this personal challenge, we are focusing in on Gayle and Oprah.  So as we enter into the final stretch of our OYou Boot Camp, it’s time to turn to a little bit of Gayle King inspiration into part of living our best life.  This week we are focused on friendship.

For those who are lucky enough to have a “Gayle” in their own lives, you are blessed.  To have someone who is fiercely loyal, your biggest cheerleader, an incredible listener and a personal rock is really a gift.  But for this week, we are focusing on what it is like to BE that person.  It’s time to be the kind of person that everybody wants in their lives.  Here is how we are focusing on it this week.

  • Be a good friend – Listen. Stop talking and really listen when someone needs you.  Don’t offer advice.  Just listen and be that for them.  This won’t be easy…but just make the effort.
  • Have fun & laugh – Gayle is always laughing.  From late night cookie runs with her daughter waaaaaaaaaaaay across town to talking and laughing with a friend for hours, Gayle knows how to add some balance and have a good time.  This week, it’s time to be THAT person.  It’s time to have some fun and laugh….
  • See a good movie – Gayle is always going to the movies!  This week, it’s time to take our OWN selves out on a date and go to a great movie!  Hope something good is playing!

So, as we channel our inner Gayle and try to bring more of our best self to the world, here is your mini-boot camp challenge….we double dare you to take the journey with us!

  • Pick up the phone and call your friend instead of texting or emailing.
  • Take yourself out on a Starbucks date.  Meet a friend or go alone.  Splurge…and enjoy!

Being proud of who you are and the best person that you can be doesn’t always come easily to all of us.  Here is what I know…do your best.  That is what a best friend would tell you…just do your best and it will all be okay.  Good luck this week!

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