Lifestyle, Living the Lessons, OYou BootCamp 2011

Taking Inspiration to Action

After a long eleven weeks of challenging ourselves with this personal boot camp, my sister and I have finally arrived to Oprah week…a little tired, bruised, and emotionally drained. Challenging ourselves to put some of Oprah’s live your best life suggestions into practice has led us to this week and our final destination – Oprah’s week. While I had hoped that I would be excited and getting ready for the OYou conference, that is just not the case this time.  During our Suze Orman week we made the committment to cancel our trip if we couldn’t afford it. I mean, I love Oprah but the mortgage has to be paid and apparently, God has a different plan for us. So, with a little bit of a heavy heart I think that we are both moving into the last week together – proud of ourselves for going through this OYou boot camp challenge and better for it.

So here are our Oprah challenge points for this week.   With Oprah, we see wisdom, inspiration, and a goal of balance in her life.  We would like to take those points and put them into action in our own life.  Here’s what we are hoping to do over the next few days.

  • Wisdom – Learn something new and start a habit.  Read an enlightening book for 15 minutes each night.
  • Balance – Start Meditating.  No really, commit each day and start meditating.
  • Inspiration – Take a look at our personal vision board…and what we want our life to look like…

As part of our mini-boot camp challenge, we know that we all need a little motivation, so here’s your challenge.  We’ll be doing this along with you…

  • Create an Oprah inspiration piece that will keep you going…long after this boot camp challenge is over.

Finally, it’s time to also reflect and celebrate our accomplishments.  We made this commitment almost 3 months ago and through all the drama and peaks and valleys, we can see the finish line.  We are going to finish it strong…and then get ready, this was just a warm up to Oprah’s Lifeclass.  Perfect devine timing… Now, onto the week!

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