Oprah's LifeClass

Oprah’s Lifeclass Lesson 9: Notes on You’re Responsible For Your Life

Oprah’s Lifeclass’ are filling up my life with lessons and I’m realizing that I need some time to let them soak in.  Tonight class was about your energy, other people’s’ energy and ultimately, taking responsibility for your OWN life.  Amazing lessons to process.  What kind of energy do you bring into the world?  How often does your mood impact the others around you? You have the power…and now, you have the notes too.  Here are the notes from tonight’s class…

  • You are responsible for your OWN life. – If anything is going to move forward in your life, you are going to have to be responsible for making that happen.
  • If you are sitting around waiting for anyone to save you, to fix you, to even help you, you are waisting your time because only you have the power to take responsibility to move your life forward.  The sooner you get that, the sooner your life gets into gear.
  • It does not matter where you come from. What matters is now and your willingness to see this moment for what it is. Except it, forgive the past, take responsibility and move forward.
  • Case study – Paula Dean.  A woman who has been able to take charge of herself.  Went from $200 to $20 million dollars.  “I made a commitment to work and God blessed it… I did not have the vision…what I wanted was to be able to go to the grocery store and for the check to not bounce.”  All different levels of success.  Paula took responsibility for her own life – having a dream for herself and surrendered it to that which is greater than yourself.  Paula was also agoraphobic – afraid to leave the house.  For over 20  years ,Paula barely left her home.  After 20 years, Paula woke up one day and took her life back telling herself, “Paula, forget the things that you can’t change.  Don’t get on an emotional roller-coaster…” ” When I accepted my death, I was able to start living again.”  Rise to the very best self that you can be.
  • Only you have the power to make your life what it’s meant to be. –  I accept responsibility for what is going to happen to me and I am not relying on someone else for making it happen to me.  What ever is necessary, I take full responsibility for making that happen for me.
  • Everything in life is about energy. All of life is about energy.  It’s about the energy that you’re putting out, you’re drawing to yourself energy everyday, based on the way you think about your life and the actions that you take in your life. Everybody is an energy field and because of your attitudes, your thinking, your actions, who you choose to be in the world – they all form your own field and your drawing into your field people who are like you, to remind you of who you are. to show you who you are, to reflect back to yourself who you are. Believe that or not, that is what is happening all the time.  It does not require your belief.  IT JUST IS.
  • Case Study – Jill Taylor. “I’m in here, come find me.” Brain surgeon who had a stroke.  After the stroke, she could FEEL the energy. Take responsibility for the energy that you bring into the space.  Take responsibility for the energy that you bring to me.   Take responsibility for the energy that you bring.
  • Be responsible for the energy that you bring into this space.
  • You may have to do a clearing of the people in your life who’s energy was not supportive of who you want to be in the world.  There are people who will not take responsibility for their energy – so then you have to.   “The energy that I allow to be brought into my space” is what you take responsibility for.  You cannot continue to move forward in your life to the level that you need to be if you are surrounded by energy that brings you down and sucks the life force from you.
  • Not only are you responsible for the energy that you bring, you are also responsible for the energy around you.  You will never be able to be who you are suppose to be in the world if you continue to allow the energy suckers in your life.
  • Being in charge of the energy that you bring into a room can help save a relationship. Before entering take a breath and decide what energy I’m going to present.  Life changing.  I can use my power to make life better for myself and for others.
  • You can’t improve your life if you surround yourself with energy that brings you down.
  • Case Study – “The Color Purple.” There is a force of energy operating in my life.  Believe it.
  • Be aware of a persons energy.  People are vibrating a kind of energy.  For some people, the energy is light.  Some, not so light.
  • Case Study – John Diaz, Survivor of Singapore Airlines Flight.  Instincts told him not to get on the plane, but he did anyway.  Experience of seeing auras leaving people’s bodies.  “I want to live my life so that my aura, when it leaves, is very bright.”
  • The world is always reflecting the energy you’re putting out. – We all have an energy field and force and what you are putting out into the world is coming back to you all the time.
  • I want to live the kind of life where at the end of the day, I can say, “I was able to shine with the brightest light possible.”
  • Case Study – Jeff.  How am I going to get the weight off?  Acknowledge the courage it takes to take responsibility of your life.   You can do it.  Take it one day, one moment, one meal at a time.
  • Case Study – Katherine.  Take responsibility for your body and listen to you gut.  “You are in charge of your OWN body.  You are an expert of your OWN body.”  – Dr. Oz.  Katherine’s surgeon missed removal of an original cancerous tumor for breast cancer.  Because she remembered a Dr. Oz show and because she had the courage and took charge of her OWN body and listened to her gut, she may have saved her own life.  Your instincts fix you in different ways.  Listen to them.
  • I came to realize that all the time I was praying to God asking God to do something, God was waiting on me. God was waiting on me because I am responsible for what happens to me. I am responsible for the energy that I give and the power that I give over to someone else.

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