Everyday Inspiration, Living the Lessons, Oprah's LifeClass

Putting Your Love on Display

Reflecting back, each Oprah’s Lifeclass had one thing in common for me….huge “AHA” moments (or “O moments” as I like to call them) but none more than the lesson during the class with the moment from Toni Morrison.  For years, I worked in non-profit with children and rarely greeted a child without a smile and a pause of acknowledgment or as Oprah’s Lifeclass taught us, without lighting up each day to greet them.  It was important to me that they knew I was present and there for them.  Although it wasn’t in the job description, I knew that this single act was the most important part of my day.  For the impact you have with just showing up with a smile can change the life of a a child forever.

While I was great at this in my work like, I had a Lifeclass aha moment when I realized I hadn’t always done that for my own family.  Somewhere along the way, I missed that piece.  As life got crazier, I found myself floating from task to task and only stopping for designated family time. Now don’t get me wrong….we spend a lot of time together, but the in-between time seemed to be set to a stopwatch.    When we spoke, I wasn’t always present and I regret missing those moments.  However, “when you know better, you do better” Oprah always taught us.  But first you have to see the missing pieces.

Ever since this Lifeclass lesson , I make a point of setting down the mail, turning the volume down on the television, getting off the phone, ignoring text messages and turning away from technology because in truth there really is nothing more important than showing up and lighting up for the people who are the most important in your life.   I am extra careful when the only child – now teenager – of the family enters the room.  Now, my eyes sincerely light up each time….even if he is working his way into trouble because I am grateful for each and every moment that I have with him and for what that one act can do for him in his lifetime.  I recognize that each time I light up, he lights up.  Each time I take that moment, I am leaving an imprint on his life…his self-esteem…his soul.  BUT what I learned from this lesson is that EVERYONE in your family deserves to see your eyes light up for them.  They are all important and should feel it.  What a gift to give those you love.  What a gift this lesson has been in my life.

Wouldn’t it be great if we all acknowledged each other with light in our eyes?   How different would our world be if we simply worked at treating one another as if we all matter and are significant? I am certain the world would be a better place.  The world would itself light up.  So the next time someone you love walks into the room, take the opportunity, light up and ignore the phone….even if Oprah is calling!  She will understand.


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