Everyday Inspiration, Lifestyle, OYou BootCamp 2011

Channeling Your Inner Designer

“Your home should rise up to greet you… And at the end of the day, it should ground you in a sense of peace.” – Nate Berkus

As we get ready for the O You conference just around the corner….this week we begin our O You Boot Camp challenge…and truth be told, we are already a little nervous about it.  My sister is certain that we should have started with something “not so hard”…and she’s probably right. It’s just the first day of O You Boot Camp and one cup of coffee into it and I’m already thinking, “what have I gotten myself into?” 

But, I knew to make these changes in my life…I had to get it on my to-do list.   With any good challenge in life, I’ve found you are going to be a little scared…hesitant to jump into the water…and maybe even ready to stop before you even start.  But this boot camp is about changing my life…and this week, it’s about changing my home.  Ready or not world…scared or not world…I’m channeling my inner designer and jumping.  Get ready…because here we go!

With tons of projects and things that I would love to see happen, my sister and I have decided to work as a team and to keep it realistic, we’ve agreed to start with these 3 projects and see how far we can get in 7 days.  

  • How do you make your home rise up to meet you? 
  • Making something old that no longer fits your style…into something new and something you love.
  • A simple project: Making Nate’s napkin pillows

This is our scary but simple list…and if we have time, we’ll add anything else that we are brave enough to do… Here’s our simple challenge to our readers for this week if you are playing along and want an O You Mini Boot Camp experience….

Week 1 Nate Berkus Mini-Camp Challenge:  Surround yourself with things you love…not just things.  Pick a room and do some editing.  Do you LOVE the things in the room?  Do they lift you up?  Do they have special meaning?  Edit your room…and change your life!  Go ahead…jump!  You can do it!

Help us get to O-You! 

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