Lifestyle, OYou BootCamp 2012

Living My Best Life By Jumping into the Junk Drawer Drama

OYou 2012 BootCamp Challenge: Organizing Your Life – Week 3

This morning I was awaken by the grumbling of the weather outside and the looming of dark clouds during our typical Florida summer day.  As the threat of rain stood up to challenge the possibilities of the day, I laid there cycling through work and life and everything else that came across my foggy mind’s path.  Stopping to take in a moment of joy, my feet then hit the floor getting me ready to move forward into the day.  Today, towards the top of my list in our OYou organization week is tackling the dreaded junk drawer.  UHG. Just thinking about it exhausts me. It’s where every homeless key, screw, rubber band and unwanted item lives in my kitchen.  Drawer organization is not a reality in my world…and out of everything that we have thrown into the OYou Boot Camp this is one challenge that I am not looking forward to.  My goal – not just the junk drawer but all of the kitchen drawers too.  I used to think that 10 drawers in the kitchen was pretty great. Now, I just think it’s exhausting.

So, as I run through my day, I know what I am running towards and it’s daunting enough to have me bolting in a different direction.  But I won’t.  By the end of the day, my feet will lead me to my kitchen and to this task.  By the end of it, I will either be drawer proud or have a huge pile and a headache.  Either way, I’ll have stayed true and shown up for myself and this challenge.  Sometimes it’s not just about going through the motions.  Sometimes, it’s just about showing up and reminding yourself that it’s important to do things for you and your life.  This is what today is all about.  Wish me luck!

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