Iyanla Fix My Life

Iyanla’s Fix My Life takes on Six Brown Chicks

On Iyanla’s Fix My Life, Iyanla helps us to understand the personal dynamics that women have with each other and how we all move through the world, actually more connected than may even we realize.  This week, Iyanla sat down with the bloggers behind Six Brown Chicks, with all her magic in an effort to help these soul sisters peel back the layers of hurt and frustration and pain that had broken down their relationships and begin the healing where love once reigned.  Often even great communicators miss the true connections in our lives…even the best of us.

To being the process, Iyanla brings this broken team of friends into the same space, strips them down by taking off their “masks” and make-up and sits them down for a game of cards but not your normal everyday game. It’s a game designed to open up, call it what it is, and expose the pain that is buried deep inside.  “Can I pick another card,” we hear when one sister chooses a hard card.  Always looking to go around the issues, sometimes we all want to pick another card and avoid the hard stuff.  However when Iyanla is in the room, that isn’t an option.

Reminded that we often speak about how important our relationships are with the women in our lives, sometimes our actions speak differently and we forget, these friendships need and deserve attention as well.  Iyanla reminds us to show up with heart and outstretched arms into the lives of those that matter…and if you need to, ask for forgiveness.  A gentle reminder that our relationships are what fuels your own life and our own spirit.  “Open your heart,” Iyanla tells us.  Even in our most vulnerable space,   “trust us with your heart,” she teaches.  “You can trust them…they won’t leave you…”  Suffer or trust – a lesson that Iyanla gives to everyone in the room and watching.  Open your heart and trust in yourself to make the right choice in your world.  You don’t win if you close your heart…instead you suffer.

Iyanla brought her Fix My Life magic into the world of the soul sisters from the blog, Six Brown Chicks. In an attempt to heal, lessons and respect resonated through the hour. Love the women in your life. Support the women in your life. Communicate with the women in your life. We all are walking the same road…some of the journey may be different, but fundamentally we all want the same thing – to be honored and safe and loved.  With love, these blogger sisters hope that Six Brown Chicks recognize that the words – written, spoken and unspoken – might be what are powerful but what matters most is how we move through the world with the relationships that come into our lives.  In time, we will forget the words…but there is a reason why we never forget the people.


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