Living the Lessons, Meditation

Finding Your Meditation Routine

Each morning, I sit and take a few moments to let the world come to me.  For me, this has just been the way I jump into the world…as I sit on the edge of meditation.  If you are on the edge as well and wondering how to get started, here are a few quick tips on how to find your meditation routine. This works for me…and maybe it will work for you.

  1. Find a quiet place to take your morning cup of tea, coffee or anything to.
  2. Get comfortable. Sit down however you like – in a chair, on the floor, on a cushion – and just let yourself be relaxed.
  3. Get in balance. Sit up straight and just breathe.
  4. Relax and take a deep breath.
  5. Now, clear your mind and just let the world whirl around you.  Let your body and mind be quiet and let the world embrace you.


2 thoughts on “Finding Your Meditation Routine

  1. I have a much better Idea for morning, afternoon, evening relaxation. Take out God’s Holy Inspired Breathed upon Word the Bible, sit down in a quiet place, pray, and meditate on God and His promises. Today, instead of turning things over in your mind or breath, turn them over and surrender them them to God, both big and small and watch as your faith grows, your fears, worry, and anxiety dissolve.. God is listening and He so loves you. Where there is much of the Spirit, there will be ever-increasing, rest, contentment, healing, and power. Be not afraid; only believe. Love you, Johnnie L.

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