Addicted to Food

OWN’s Addicted to Food tackles family week with grace

Family Week is here on OWN’s Addicted to Food.  As we move into day 34 of the process,  Tennie tells us that the purpose of this week is two-fold. “One thing we get more information about the client and two, they are going back into that system and in some ways, the family has helped support that eating disorder.”  Family week helps them come together in the process…and be part of the healing. 

Divided into two different groups, Tennie separates out the families with children or that are child-like to begin the work.  This is the chance for the families to get real and put this pain out there in a safe environment.  Within the group, clients also chime in tell their experience of what they see. In an honest and supportive environment, Tennie works with the family and sometimes we hear the most profound understanding from the youngest of family members. (Bravo Whitney!)  Tennie also reminds one parent, “little girls need to hear “you’re beautiful” and “I love you”…it’s how little girls are made and their first encounter with a man that cares for them.”  Sometimes, it’s just acceptance and love that we need…the words”I love you” can be the best Band-Aid. 

Additional drama unfolds as Dejuaii tells her mother and sister that she is gay.  The fear about speaking the words quickly melt away as the love that they have for her withstood the reveal.  With the words out, we felt her deep breath and exhale.   However, there is a different outcome for Layne.  With Layne, no one showed up during family week to support her. (Might I add, her family is in the same state.)  As this pain for her unfolded through family week, I just wanted to show up for her.  Someone in her life needs to put her first for one moment….and this will make all the difference.  As she is telling Tennie that she just wants to leave, Tennie says, “This could be a big turning point for you.”  As soon as Layne decided to stay, sunshine went off in her face.  I hope that she remembers this…always.  Choose yourself – You matter.

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