Living the Lessons, Oprah's LifeClass

50 Things I’ve Learned From Oprah’s Lifeclass So Far…

As we go into the last week of Oprah’s first session of Lifeclass (writes a hopeful “second session” student to the powers that be), I am seeing lessons and changes everywhere in my life. So, to take a note from Oprah’s OWN book, O Magazine, here is what I know for sure.

  1. I  love life…and I am paying closer attention to it.  The wind, the breeze, the sunset, the smiles, the laughter.  It’s like a heightened sense of awareness.
  2. I have so much.  I have food. I have a roof.  I have family. I have love. I have so much to be thankful for…and now, I’m about to have a cup of coffee.  And when I don’t think that I have any of those…I have my breath.
  3. I know that dreams happen when you are awake.
  4. I know that if people like Christine McFadden can get up and move forward and find a smile that I can get up and move forward and find a smile every day…
  5. I know that my ego is the negative voice in my head…and I am more powerful than it is…and I can turn it off by simply thinking, “I can turn you off.”
  6. I know that when I light up for people in my life, my OWN life light’s up too.
  7. I know that animals are teachers with lessons to give me…I will be open and learn from them.
  8. I know that JOY is happening all around me.  I  just have to open my eyes and take it in.
  9. I know that my age IS my beauty…and my life is validated by each year that I add to the number.
  10. I know that my capacity to learn and change my life is is endless.
  11. I know that a whole new world will open up to me if I just push myself to step out of my comfort zone.
  12. I know that following my gut will save my life.
  13. I know that the best way to know who a person is is to watch what they do…not what they say.
  14.  I know that with everything that I do, that I am showing people who I am.
  15. I know that my energy is strong…and can change lives…especially my own.
  16. I know that letting go of the past is like cutting off the anchor that is holding you down and rising to the surface to breathe again.  Just let it go…
  17. I know that I need to get out of people’s way of learning their own lessons.  Everyone is strong enough to save themselves.
  18. I know that my life is bigger than what it looks like.
  19. I know that there is no way that my past is going to hold me back and keep me from living the best life that I can and being everything that I am meant to be.
  20. I know that my whispers speak to me all the time, anywhere, and are always worth listening to.  They calm me, guide me and help me…and they will answer if I ask them a question…I just have to listen for them.
  21. I know that texting while driving is a death sentence.
  22. I know if you DO pay attention, it will change your life.
  23. I know that if you DON’T pay attention, it will change your life.
  24. I know that big things in life begin to happen with one little step.
  25. I know that I can feel joy at anytime if I open up my eyes…or my ears…to life’s music.
  26. I know that family and friends are the real joy in life.
  27. I know that the attitude that I bring to the world is exactly what is mirrored back to me in my life.  Change your attitude, change your life.
  28.  I know that I am responsible for my life…and no body else.
  29.  I know that only I have the power to make my life what it’s meant to be.
  30.  I know that negativity in my life will only make me feel bad…and who wants to feel bad?
  31.  I know that sometimes negative people can be changed by your positive attitude.  If not, move on…and let them sit in their own darkness.  You have a positive happy life to live!
  32. I know that I am responsible for the energy that I allow to be brought into my space and all the energy around me too.
  33. I know that I will never be able to be who I am supposed to be in the world if I continue to allow the energy suckers to be in my life.
  34. I know that I can use my power to make life better for myself and for others.
  35. I know that as an adult, I am responsible for what happens to me. I am responsible for the energy and the power that I give over to other people in my life.
  36. I know that everyone has made mistakes.  It’s time to let them go, learn from them and move on.  Don’t let them hold you hostage.
  37. I know it’s never too late to change.
  38. I know that when I lie about my age, I am denying my life and my experiences that have happened and make me uniquely me.
  39. I know that my dogs light up when I come in a room and for me, it feels great.
  40. I know that I was born with a purpose…and I need to pay attention to my life…because it can show up at any moment and I don’t want to miss it.  This right now could be the moment.
  41. I know that knowing what I don’t like to do is important too…because knowing what you don’t like gets you closer to that which you do like…and closer to your purpose.
  42. I know that “Regret Minimization” is now my life mantra.
  43. I know that pretending is not nearly as rewarding as being your true authentic self.  It’s just easier…and so much better to be YOU.
  44. I know that my past doesn’t define who I am today.
  45. I know that there is no one more deserving of me believing in than myself.
  46. I know that I am worthy of living my best life. 
  47. I know that everyone and everything around me is a teacher and that I am a good student…
  48. I know that all things are possible.
  49. I know you become what you believe…so you might as well believe yourself smart, attractive, rich, happy, fun, laughing, healthy, and joyful.  Believe it. Live it. Be it.
  50. I know that if I give myself the gift to get quiet…and to let all of these lessons sink in…and to listen to my whisper,  that my whisper is saying, “Great job, Paula…you are on track and you are exactly where you are suppose to be. Now…go on to class.”

4 thoughts on “50 Things I’ve Learned From Oprah’s Lifeclass So Far…

  1. Paula,

    You are a blessing! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your very thorough and well thought-out notes with us. It is much appreciated! I am trying to catch up on my life classes and this is the perfect way to do it. I appreciate your generosity!


    1. Aysha – Thank you for taking the time to say something! It means the WORLD! I’m so glad my notes can be shared and passed on! I hope that they are as helpful to you as they are to me. I use them like gentle reminders…because there was SO MUCH information coming with Lifeclass. Thank you again…so very very much. – Best, Paula

      1. Hey Paula,

        Yes, I agree. The lifeclasses are filled with a wealth of information and I have now told one of my best friends about your site so that she can refer to your notes as well 🙂 Thanks so much for responding so genuinely. May you find your inner peace which is what this class is about in a nutshell!


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